Caring for someone with a mental health condition
If you look after someone with a mental health condition in an unpaid capacity, you are a carer. By offering them support, you’ll play a vital role in their wellbeing and recovery.
Please see our general advice and information about support services for your relative or friend on the other mental health directory pages.
There is also a range of specific support available to you in your caring role:
Carer’s directory
Search our directory for support services
East Sussex Care for the Carers
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Supporting someone with a mental health problem
Supporting someone in crisis
Mental health directory information and advice
Carer’s information
Young carers (aged under 18)
Carers O’Clock
Monthly sessions in East Sussex for unpaid carers to focus on their own wellbeing with artist-led creative activity, conversation and a freshly cooked lunch.
- More information and how to join: Carers O’Clock
Mobilise Cuppa
Join other carers for a virtual cuppa and supportive chats. There is also lots of helpful information on their resources page.
- Register to join here: Mobilise
Holding Space
Support for parents, children and families in the Eastbourne area who are experiencing worries about mental health.
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