Online library services
Get instant access to a huge library of eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and newspapers. Join online here.
Local library services
Search for your nearest library to find opening times and information on services we offer in your local library.
What's on
Your local library runs lots of events for children and adults. See what's on offer here.
Join the library
Joining the library is free, fast and easy. If you live or work in East Sussex, find out how to join here.
Do you want to help in your local library? Take a look at our volunteering opportunities.
Reference and research
Explore our range of free digital tools that can help you with your research projects.
Adult learning
Do you want to improve your Maths, English or IT skills? Your local library can help.
Support to look after your health and wellbeing. Find adult and children services.
Directory listings for around 7,000 local groups and local events.