East Sussex mental health directory
People in crisis and suicide prevention
Feeling unable to cope, worried you may hurt yourself or somebody else and/or experiencing suicidal feelings?
For immediate help
If your life - or someone else's life - is in immediate danger, please call 999 or go to A&E.
For same or next day help
You can get support with your mental health in different ways depending on what you prefer. All services are free.
Phone 111 and chose 'mental health' (free phone 24/7)
If you or someone else is experiencing a mental health crisis, the NHS 111 'mental health option' is there to offer support and get help if needed.
For callers whose first language is not English, a telephone interpreter can be arranged for other community languages, by phoning the helpline and letting them know the language needed.
During busy periods, you may need to wait for someone to answer your call.
Visit a Staying Well crisis café
Staying Well provides a support service for adults over 18 experiencing distress due to their mental health, during evenings and weekends when other support may be unavailable.
Phone 0800 023 6475 and choose option 1 for Eastbourne, or 2 for Hastings St Leonards, or use the Staying Well website for further information on opening times.
Text Shout Sussex service
By texting the word SUSSEX to 85258, you can access a free, confidential, 24/7 service and have a text conversation with a trained volunteer. The volunteers offer real-time support if you are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed, and can signpost to local services. You may prefer this to speaking on the phone.
Call the Samaritans
Phone 116 123 (24/7) or visit the Samaritans website.
Download the Stay Alive App
This is a suicide prevention resource full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.
For urgent mental health support
Call 999 or go to A&E if you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe. A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one.
Two East Sussex hospitals have an A&E department.
- Conquest Hospital – The Ridge, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 7RD
- Eastbourne District General Hospital – Kings Drive, Eastbourne, BN21 2UD
For those living on the edge of the county:
- Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5BE
- Princess Royal Hospital, Lewes Rd, Haywards Heath RH16 4EX
Please consider whether your GP, other support services or the NHS 111 Mental Health option can help, before travelling to A&E.
If you have a care plan and crisis card from Sussex Partnership mental health services, these will include details of who you should contact in a crisis. If you can’t find your care plan, contact your community team during the day – 9am to 5pm – from Monday to Friday. Ask for your care coordinator or the person on duty.
Experiencing a significant change in your mental health?
You should call NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online for advice if you - or the person you are concerned about - experience a significant change in your mental health and are not already receiving care from mental health services.
This might include:
- Hearing or seeing things that are not experienced by other people, for example hearing voices
- Having strong beliefs that are not shared by others, for example believing there is a conspiracy against you
- Having excessive energy or movements, sleeping very little
- Behaving in a bizarre and out of character way
- Changes in behaviour like wanting to avoid people, lack of basic self-care.
Whilst these can be normal experiences, they can also be signs of something more serious.
Further information on mental health services
Other suicide prevention services
Sussex Partnership NHS Trust Urgent Help Advice
- Website: Urgent help in a crisis
Preventing suicide in Sussex
Advice for people who may be at risk of suicide and their friends and family, on warning signs and how to seek help.
‘Warning Signs’ is a suicide prevention campaign targeting East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove, specifically aiming to support the reduction of annual suicide amongst men in Sussex.
- Website: Warning Signs campaign
Grassroots Suicide Prevention
Work with communities, organisations, services and individuals to help them to become ready, willing and able to effectively support someone at risk of suicide.
Available in Brighton & Hove with advice for all.
- Email: office@prevent-suicide.org.uk
- Website: Grassroots Suicide Prevention
Support for Survivors of Suicide (SSOS)
For those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or who have attempted suicide. Assessments and counselling services can be offered via phone or video call. Support is also provided if you have lost someone to suicide.
- Phone: 01273 519108
- Email: counselling@sussexcommunity.org.uk
- Website: Sussex Community Development Association – SSOS
Mankind was set up in 2020 by Eastbourne friends to help support men who have mental health worries, or just need someone to talk to without judgement. Weekly groups in Eastbourne and Heathfield.
- Website: Mankind
Based in Sidley Bexhill, but with other free running groups in Hastings Ore. RunningSpace promotes life and good mental health through small friendly groups. No running experience necessary, all faiths / no faith welcome.
- Website: RunningSpace
National services
- Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) App and helpline 0800 58 58 58 open 5pm to midnight
- Papyrus suicide prevention service for under 35s offering free confidential support, a 24/7 Hopeline 0800 068 4141, chat line and practical advice.
- Zero Suicide Alliance is committed to suicide prevention and offers free training and resources.
If you have been affected by suicide
National Support
Public Health England and the Suicide Prevention Alliance have produced Help is at Hand for people bereaved by suicide or other sudden, traumatic death.
Suicide&Co supports people bereaved by suicide, with a helpline run by bereavement counsellors.
- Suicide&Co helpline Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm: 0800 054 8400
- hub of resources
Sussex Bereaved by suicide support
Triage and support for anyone bereaved by suicide in Sussex, delivered by Cruse across Sussex.
- Phone: 07376 616628 (calls returned within 48 working hrs excluding Bank Holidays)
- Email: sussexbereavedbysuicide@cruse.org.uk
- Website: Cruse (other helpful information)
East Sussex Support for people bereaved by suicide
A service for people whose loved one has died as a result of suicide, offering practical and emotional support.
- Phone: 07542 305 419
- Website: Bereaved by Suicide Support
If you have been affected by witnessing a suicide
Firsthand is a new resource to support and advise people who are impacted by the suicide of someone they don't know.
- Website: Firsthand
Worried about money, housing or another issue that is affecting your mental health?
There are lots of ways you can get practical help with issues that may be affecting your mental health.
- Money worries and cost of living support
Cost of living support | East Sussex County Council
- Help with housing
Housing | East Sussex County Council
- Support for people affected by domestic abuse
Domestic abuse | East Sussex County Council
- Drug and alcohol recovery support
Addiction services | East Sussex County Council
Social Prescribing service at your GP surgery
Social Prescribers can connect you to support, services and activities to help address the challenges and issues you may be struggling with. Ask your GP or GP surgery if they have a Social Prescribing service. Waiting times differ between GP surgeries.
Mental health services and support
If you are concerned about someone who may harm themselves, please see our crisis and suicide prevention page.
If you are showing signs of mental ill-health which are not improving with self-help interventions or NHS Talking Therapies, the first thing you should do is speak with your GP, or if you have one, your Lead Practitioner in your NHS Community Mental Health team.
If your poor mental health is linked with financial concerns, please see our mental health and money worries page. We also have information for Carers, ex-armed forces and addiction services.
Mental health issues are common and treatable. The sooner you seek help, the better. Please check out the support available both locally and nationally.
Feeling stressed, anxious, low or experiencing panic attacks?
The following are services that you can contact directly without needing to be referred by or be registered with a GP.
NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression
If you live in East Sussex, are over 18 and are feeling more stressed than usual, anxious or depressed, you can refer yourself to your local NHS Talking Therapies service.
Services are free, confidential and provide a wide range of support, including courses, online programmes and one-to-one sessions. They aim to help you understand your symptoms and take practical steps to improve your mental health.
- Phone: 0300 003 0130
- Email: spnt.healthinmind@nhs.net
- Website: Health in Mind
- Mental health support for refugees and asylum seekers
NHS Talking Therapies is unable to provide urgent mental health help or support to people experiencing more severe difficulties with their mental health. Instead, please see a GP who can refer you to the appropriate service.
East Sussex Mental Health Support Services
Community mental health support services are offered by local organisations in partnership with the Council and the NHS. These are free and for any adults living in East Sussex who are living with mental health challenges.
East Sussex UOK (Southdown)
- Website: UOK
- Call UOK East Sussex on: 0808 196 1768
Lines are open Monday – Friday 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays) or you can arrange a call back by visiting www.uok.org.uk/talk-to-us
Qwell digital support
If you are an adult living in East Sussex you can access our new free digital wellbeing service. The personalised service operates 24/7 and is supported by trained mental health practitioners.
Wellbeing centres
Seven Wellbeing Centres in East Sussex provide a range of community-based mental health and wellbeing support to help adults to get well, stay well and prevent crisis. The centres are in Hastings and St Leonards, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Hailsham, Lewes, Uckfield and Newhaven.
- Phone: 0808 196 1768
- Website: Southdown Wellbeing Centres
Peer Support Service
People who have their own lived experience of mental health challenges will support you to take control of your mental health and stay well. Peer Specialists work with clients to develop Wellness Plans, identifying strategies and tools to help manage recovery and prevent crisis.
- Phone: 0808 196 1768
Emotional Wellbeing Service
The Emotional Wellbeing Service is now available in many GP surgeries across East Sussex, to offer you information, advice, guidance, and support for your mental health.
- Website: EWS
Staying Well Space
Out-of-hours ‘crisis cafe’ support available 7 evenings a week for adults (aged 18+) experiencing acute distress due to their mental health. The service has venues in St Leonards and Eastbourne, with phone support for those who can’t visit in person.
People supported by Staying Well are generally experiencing distress related to a mental health condition. They are not considered at imminent risk of suicidal or self-injury, or to pose an imminent risk of harm to others.
- Phone: 0800 023 6475 for queries or to discuss a referral
- Email: StayingWell@southdown.org
- Website: Southdown Staying Well Space
Thinking Well
Specialist day support for adults living in East Sussex who have Complex Emotional Needs (CEN) and who may have received a diagnosis of personality disorder.
- Phone: 01323 405334
- Email: thinkingwell@southdown.org
- Website: Southdown Thinking Well
The service made a film for people with the diagnosis and family, friends, and practitioners and this short animation may also be helpful.
Health and Wellbeing Service
A service to support people with severe mental illness to improve their physical health.
- Website: Health & Wellbeing Service
- Health Checks news item: ITV Meridian July 2024
Community Connectors
When everyday life is affecting your mental health and wellbeing, we work in partnership with GPs to help you access local services and activities that can help. Community Navigators support people to improve their own health and wellbeing by developing personalised and practical solutions to everyday issues, using a Social Prescribing pathway. Ask your GP if they have a Social Prescribing service.
- Website: Southdown Community Connectors
Local wellbeing project in Eastbourne and Hastings
Wellbeing in Hastings and Eastbourne is a project that promotes the emotional and mental wellbeing of communities within Hastings and Eastbourne.
- Website: Mind B&H East Sussex services
Information from our Mental Health Trust
The Sussex Partnership Foundation NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT) supports people with more serious mental health difficulties. You can find further information and an A-Z of conditions on their webpages.
- Website: SPFT
Adult Social Care
Contact Adult Social Care if you or someone you know needs social care support.
Low cost or free counselling services
Sussex Community Counselling
Low-cost counselling by a BACP-accredited service offered in Newhaven, Lewes, Hailsham and Eastbourne, or by phone or video call.
- Phone: 01273 519 108
- Email: counselling@sussexcommunity.org.uk
- Website: Sussex Community Counselling
Counselling Plus Community
A charity which offers confidential affordable counselling to people aged 16+. Available face to face in Hastings and also remotely through phone, Zoom or Skype.
- Phone: 01424 428 300
- Email: admin@counsellingplus.org
- Website: Counselling Plus Community
Support for Survivors of Suicide (SSOS)
For those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or who have attempted suicide. Assessments and counselling services can be offered via phone or video call. Support is also provided if you have lost someone to suicide.
- Phone: 01273 519108
- Email: counselling@sussexcommunity.org.uk
- Website: Sussex Community Development Association – SSOS
Breakeven counselling
Breakeven offer free counselling for people with gambling-related issues, either face to face or via video call or phone, with offices in Eastbourne and St Leonards.
- Phone: 01273 833722
- Email: info@breakeven.org.uk
- Website: Breakeven
The Pelham Counselling service
A charity in Bexhill offering affordable counselling to people aged 11+ in person or over the phone or Zoom.
- Phone: 07907 403663
- Email: counselling@the pelham.co.uk
- Website: The Pelham Counselling Service
The Old Bank Wellbeing Trust
A charity based in Eastbourne dedicated to making counselling accessible for everyone, with a bursary to support those in financial hardship.
- Phone: 01323 502827
- Email: info@theoldbankwellbeing.org.uk
- Website: The Old Bank
Black Minds Matter UK
A charity connecting Black individuals and families with free 121 talking therapy delivered by qualified and accredited Black therapists.
Website: Black Minds Matter
Counselling directory (may not be low cost)
Neurodiverse conditions such as autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not mental health conditions. However, for some people their neurodiversity is linked with their poor mental health. Sources of possible support are below:
- Autism support in East Sussex
- National Autistic Society mental health advice
- Mind: Autism and mental health
- ADHD Aware
Mental health support for people in minority groups
The Links Project
A multi-agency support and advice project for asylum seekers, refugees and new migrant communities living in East Sussex.
- Contact Marc Turczanski (Project Coordinator) on 01424 444 010, 07752 495 508 or marc@hastingsvoluntaryaction.org.uk.
- Website: The Links Project
Bad Nerves, Mental Health
Friends Families and Travellers (FFT) provides confidential and private mental health support for Gypsies and Travellers.
- Phone: 01273 234 777 for the Sussex area helpline
- Website: Bad Nerves, Mental Health
Seaview is an open access wellbeing centre in St Leonards. It helps to improve the lives of people who are marginalised for a variety of reasons, and who often have mental health difficulties.
- Phone: 01424 717 981
- Email: admin@seaviewproject.org.uk
- Website: Seaview
LGBTQ+ support
Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard
Support and signposting for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people.
- Helpline: 01273 204050 (7-9.30pm Mon-Thu only)
- Website: Switchboard
Providing specialist mental health and wellbeing support for LGBTQ+ people, including:
- mental health advocacy
- peer support group work and peer mentoring
- counselling
- telephone befriending
- confidential online support (Mon-Wed 3-5pm)
- suicide prevention initiatives
- trans and non-binary specific and specialist support
- volunteering opportunities
- Phone: 0300 7729855
- Website: MindOut
Allsorts Youth Project
Support for children and young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBTQ+), and their families.
- Phone: 01273 721100
- Website: Allsorts Youth Project
The Clare Project
Provides a variety of support options for the trans, non-binary and intersex community. These are mainly held in the Brighton area. East Sussex residents are welcome to attend in person, and some online groups are also available.
- Website: The Clare Project
Other information
A directory of free support (Sussex and UK wide) lists the local support and social groups run by and for people who identify as LGBTQ, or who are unsure or questioning their gender and/or sexuality.
Also search ESCIS for both adult and youth LGBTQ+ support groups and organisations.
Mental health support for young people and parents
Local information on services for children and young people can be found on our Children and families page.
Parenting Smart
Place2Be is a UK children's charity offering mental health support in some of our East Sussex schools. Parenting Smart offers practical advice for parents and carers of children aged 5-11. All their content is created by Place2Be's parenting experts.
- Website: Parenting Smart
The Mix
National support for young people under 25, with an online community and a text service, free counselling services and other support.
- Website: The Mix
- Text service: Crisis Messenger Text THEMIX to 85258, seven days a week
Support for eating disorders
People of any age or gender can develop eating disorders, and it's best to get help as soon as possible. The first place to go is your GP, who should refer you for further assessment or treatment by a specialist eating disorder service.
- Website: Sussex NHS Eating Disorder services
You can also talk to an advisor with Beat, the UK's leading eating disorder charity, and find information and resources.
- Website: Beat
FSN (St Leonards and Bexhill)
FSN aims to provide effective and professional caring action without discrimination and favour for children and young people suffering the effects of poverty, disadvantage, neglect and abuse, with a number of projects.
Website: FSN
Support for new parents
New parents can experience an impact on their mental health during pregnancy and beyond, if you are worried you should speak with your GP or midwife as specialist help is available.
The Sussex Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) are here to support parents, and offer advice and resources.
- website: Mental health and pregnancy
Parents in Mind can also support women and partners experiencing emotional health difficulties in pregnancy and within the first two years after birth.
- website: Parents in Mind
Support with employment
Free skills and employability support
An online brochure full of the latest information on free to access skills, employment and other support, arranged by area.
Southdown Individual Placement and Support
Offer one-to-one support to gain and retain employment, self-employment, voluntary work and education. For adults (aged 18 years +) living in East Sussex who are using a mental health service.
Available across East Sussex
- Website: Southdown Employment Support
Work in Mind
One-to-one support to find and retain employment, self-employment, voluntary work and education for adults (aged 18 years +). Referrals are accepted direct from Health in Mind teams only.
Available across East Sussex
- Website: Southdown Work in Mind
Education for learning and recovery
Sussex Recovery College
Free educational courses about mental health and recovery which are designed to increase your knowledge, skills and promote self-management.
Face to face courses are available in Hastings, Eastbourne and Lewes, with many other courses delivered online. Open to people with a moderate to severe mental health challenge, their family and close friends, or people who work to support them.
- Phone: 0300 303 8086
- Email: SussexRecoveryCollege@spft.nhs.uk
- Website: Sussex Recovery College
Additional free online courses can also be accessed at Recovery College Online.
Adult Community Learning
East Sussex College offers activities and learning experiences which can be tailored to support people age 19+ with mild to moderate mental health issues. Normally available in Eastbourne, Lewes and Newhaven, limited courses are currently being delivered by video tutorials. Please contact the college to find out more and see what’s on offer.
- Phone: 0303 003 8212
- Email: Community.Info@sussexdowns.ac.uk
- Website: Adult Community Learning
Service user involvement and advocacy
Mental Health Lived Experience Advisory Group
If you or someone you care for has used mental health services, you may want to use your experiences to help shape future developments.
- Website: Mental Health Lived Experience
- Email: inclusion@possabilitypeople.org.uk
- Phone: Ricky at Possability People 07795905740
Information and advocacy services for people who need support because of problems with their mental health.
Available across East Sussex.
- Phone: 0300 456 2370
- Email: pohwer@pohwer.net
- Facebook page: Facebook POhWER
- Website: POhWER
Information, advice and campaigning
Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink improve the lives of people with diagnosed mental illness with expert information and successful campaigning. The advice and information service is open from 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
- Advice line: 0300 5000 927
- Web form: Contact Rethink
- Website: Rethink
Bereavement support
East Sussex 1Space directory lists local and national support:
If you have been bereaved by suicide
Public Health England and the Zero Suicide Alliance have produced Help is at Hand for people bereaved by suicide or other sudden, traumatic death.
East Sussex Support for people bereaved by suicide
A service for people whose loved one has died as a result of suicide, offering practical and emotional support.
- Phone: 01273 519108
- Email:
- Website: Bereaved by Suicide Support
Self-help for good mental health
It is normal to sometimes feel anxious or low, whatever your personal situation. There are steps you can take to try and improve your mental health
This page signposts ways that you can help yourself. If you continue to have concerns about your mental health, please visit Mental health services and support.
Self-help mental health resources
Every Mind Matters
Every Mind Matters offers simple steps to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing:
Health In Mind resources
- Videos and other resources for managing anxiety and improving wellbeing.
- NHS mindfulness gives you an introduction to mindfulness and links to resources.
National Mind
- National Mind has general information and support, and also suggests 8 relaxation tips for your mental wellbeing.
Walking for wellbeing
East Sussex 123 Walks
Exercise and getting out into green spaces if you can is good for your wellbeing. This site has short walking routes between 1 and 3 miles, with printer friendly maps and reasonable parking.
- Website: 123 Walks
East Sussex Health Walks
These are weekly walks all over East Sussex, and an opportunity to meet people and get some exercise in the great outdoors.
- Website: East Sussex Health Walks
Dealing with loneliness
National Mind and Every Mind Matters have advice and tips, and other places you can go for support.
Just Friends
Several free social groups across East Sussex for anyone who lives alone, offering an opportunity for friendship through activities including lunches, trips and walking groups.
- Email: info@just-friends.uk
- Website: Just Friends via 1Space
Phone services for wellbeing support
The Silver Line
A free, confidential telephone service for older people. Open 24/7.
- Freephone: 0800 4708090
- Website: The Silver Line
Independent Age
An advice and support service for older people. Open weekdays, 8.30am to 6.30pm.
- Freephone: 0800 3196789
- Website: Independent Age
Mobilise Cuppa (for all carers)
Join other carers for a virtual cuppa and supportive chats twice a week. There is also lots of helpful information on their resources page.
- Register to join: Mobilise
Farming Community Network helpline:
A national helpline for farmers which offers a chance to talk to someone who understands the challenges. You can call between 7am and 11pm every day if you need help with stress, depression, alcohol or drug dependency, isolation or have other worries.
- Phone: 03000 111999
- Website: FCN Helpline
Wellbeing in East Sussex project
Workshops and information to support positive mental wellbeing, and awareness and understanding of mental health. The service works with young people and people who may be disadvantaged, but is open to anyone living in East Sussex.
- Website: Wellbeing in East Sussex
Men’s mental health
Men's Health library resources
East Sussex Libraries share a collection of online tools and resources to support men's mental health and wellbeing.
- Website: East Sussex Libraries
Room to Rant (16-25s) rap and lyric workshops
A relaxed weekly space for young men to rap and get stuff off their chest, run by experienced and accomplished rappers. Now running in Eastbourne, with an online group for those who can't meet in person.
- Website Room to Rant
Mankind Support Group
Mankind was set up in 2020 by Eastbourne friends to help support men who have mental health worries, or just need someone to talk to without judgement.
- Website Mankind
Men's Sheds
Local spaces for men to connect, make friends and enjoy activities. There are groups all over East Sussex.
- Website: Men's Sheds
Take Action Man
A nature based men's activity and support group in Hastings, offering the opportunity to get outside in the town’s wonderful natural spaces. Get active, learn new skills and spend time together, talking, supporting and helping one another.
- Website: Take Action Man Project Rewild
Men in Mind project
Helping public facing staff to have supportive conversations about men's mental health.
Podcasts about men's mental health
- UK Men's mental health podcasts aiming to get men talking about mental health more: Manup!
National Peer Support Services
Side by Side (offered through national Mind)
A supportive online community, where you can feel at home talking about your mental health and connect with others who understand what you are going through. It's open to anybody who has an experience of mental health problems, or is closely connected to someone that has. It’s available 24/7 and moderated daily from 8.30am until midnight.
To join: Side by Side
Clic online peer support
Clic is an online community of people who have been affected by a mental health problem, where you can share experiences and find resources, advice and information.
Libraries services
East Sussex Libraries have pages on wellbeing with lots of resources and signposting. If you live or work in East Sussex you can also access free e-books and audiobooks.
Our libraries offer self-help books for people who are finding it difficult to cope or need advice on a specific emotional or mental health problem.
- Library service and self-help books
- List of recommended books and e-books for mental health and wellbeing
East Sussex College open courses
ESG offers adults (19 plus) community learning opportunities which are usually free and online. You might want to boost your wellbeing by trying something new and creative or improving your employability.
- Website for latest course information: Community Learning
Caring for someone with a mental health condition
If you look after someone with a mental health condition in an unpaid capacity, you are a carer. By offering them support, you’ll play a vital role in their wellbeing and recovery.
Please see our general advice and information about support services for your relative or friend on the other mental health directory pages.
There is also a range of specific support available to you in your caring role:
Carer’s directory
Search our directory for support services
East Sussex Care for the Carers
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Supporting someone with a mental health problem
Supporting someone in crisis
Mental health directory information and advice
Carer’s information
Young carers (aged under 18)
Carers O’Clock
Monthly sessions in East Sussex for unpaid carers to focus on their own wellbeing with artist-led creative activity, conversation and a freshly cooked lunch.
- More information and how to join: Carers O’Clock
Mobilise Cuppa
Join other carers for a virtual cuppa and supportive chats. There is also lots of helpful information on their resources page.
- Register to join here: Mobilise
Holding Space
Support for parents, children and families in the Eastbourne area who are experiencing worries about mental health.
Addiction services
Drug and alcohol support
STAR (Change Grow Live)
Our goal is to help service users regain control, change the direction of their lives, grow as a person and live life to its full potential.
Available across the whole of East Sussex
- Phone: 0300 303 8160
- Email:EastSussex.Firststep@cgl.org.uk
- Website: STAR
East Sussex Recovery Alliance (ESRA)
ESRA provides drug and alcohol recovery services for anyone over the age of 18.
- Website: ESRA
Under 25s Substance Misuse Service
If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol or any drug, contact the Under 25s Substance Misuse Service. There are staff in the team from different professional backgrounds like nurses and social workers all working together to assist you.
- Website: Under 25s SM Service
Adfam East Sussex
The service in East Sussex provides direct support to families and carers through information, one-to-one support and group and peer support. Adfam will also run a programme of training for professionals to develop their skills in working with the family and carers of substance misusers.
- Visit Adfam East Sussex for further information and to make a referral
Seaview Project
Seaview provides outreach services with practical support for people in the Hastings area who are drugs and alcohol users.
- Website:Project ADDER and RADAR
East Sussex Veterans' Hub
The Hub provides recovery activities for people accessing substance misuse services and Project ADDER.
- Website: ESVH
Project ADDER
Project ADDER (Addiction, Diversion, Disruption, Enforcement and Recovery) is funded by the Home Office to tackle drug use and dependency. The focus for East Sussex is Hastings, which has one of the highest drug-related death rates in England.
- Website: Project ADDER and other info
Problem gambling services
Southern Gambling Service
This NHS funded specialist service provides evidence-based treatment to people with gambling-related harms or a gambling disorder. It is open to anyone aged 17 and above living in Sussex. Support is offered individually or in groups and delivered mainly online.
Website: SGS
Gamblers Anonymous
Group support from people with lived experience of gambling to individuals who compulsively gamble and want to stop. Meetings occur in person in Eastbourne and Brighton and Hove.
Website: GA Meetings
Gamblers Anon
If you are affected by someone else’s gambling then Gam-Anon can help. Meetings occur online and face to face in Brighton the first Monday of each month. For details email brighton@gamanon.org.uk
Gamstop in operated by a not for profit organisation called the national Online Self-exclusion Scheme Limited. It offers a free tool that allows people to self-exclude from all GB-licensed gambling websites.
Website: Gamstop
National Centre for Gaming Disorders
A free national NHS service for people over 13 and their families.
Website: NCGD
Limiting access to the internet enables gamers to set limits with the time spent online and/or gaming. Visit https://www.internetmatters.org/parental-controls/ This website contains information on how to set up parent controls based on your individual device and broadband provider.
Free support for people in East Sussex experiencing problem gambling.
Website: Breakeven
Online support for substance misuse
These services are offer helplines, online meetings and information to support recovery from substance misuse:
- Alcoholics Anonymous (plus free 24 hour helpline 0800 917 7650)
- Alcohol rehab support
- Build on Belief (BOB) online programme
- FRANK (online resource about drugs plus 24 hour helpline 0300 123 6600)
- Narcotics Anonymous (plus helpline 0300 999 1212 daily, 10am to midnight)
- SMART Recovery (self-management and recovery training for addiction)
Adfam is a national charity working to improve the lives of families and friends of people with problems caused by drugs and alcohol.
Armed forces services
Local mental health support for veterans
The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service offers free NHS mental health services to all ex-serving members of the UK Armed Forces and service personnel living in Sussex.
- Website: Operation Courage
Combat Stress
A national charity to support veterans’ mental health, with a 24/7 helpline
- Phone: 0800 138 1619 (for veterans and families)
- Phone: 0800 323 4444 (for serving and families)
- Website: Combat Stress
Sussex Armed Forces Network (SAFN)
If you, or a close member of your family, have served or are serving in the UK Armed Forces there may be additional help and support available.
Available across East Sussex
- Phone: 01273 403 693
- Email: afn.admin@nhs.net
- Website: Sussex Armed Forces Network
SSAFA the Armed Forces Charity
Practical, financial and emotional support for service personnel, veterans and their families. They offer a free and confidential support line 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri.
- Phone: 0800 260 6767 (Forcesline)
- Website: SSAFA
East Sussex Veterans' Hub
A local charity which aims to support the wellbeing of veterans of the armed forces living in East Sussex.
- Phone: 0330 1077808 (free)
- Website: ESVH
Veterans' Growth
A charity in Westfield Rother dedicated to helping ex-service people with horticultural therapy and support.
- Website: Veterans' Growth
- Facebook: Veterans' Growth
The Old Bank Wellbeing Trust
A charity based in Eastbourne which offers free counselling for veterans' families as part of the Veterans Family Programme.
- Phone: 01323 502827
- Email: info@theoldbankwellbeing.org.uk
- Website: The Old Bank
Other veterans' services can be found on 1Space.
Mental health and money worries
Welfare benefits service and financial advice
Are worries about money or debts impacting your mental health? This service offers free, confidential advice and information. Open to people living in East Sussex Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm.
- Phone 0333 344 0681 (03 calls cost no more than 01 or 02 numbers)
- Email Benefits East Sussex - HARC
- Website: Welfare benefits helpline
Shout Sussex 24/7 text service
If trying to make ends meet is having an impact on your mental health, text SUSSEX to 85258 for free, confidential support at any time of day or night.
Mental Health and Money Advice
This national impartial organisation has lots of advice and information on managing money, debts and benefits, as well as a toolkit to help you understand, manage and improve your mental and financial health.
Money Helper
A government-approved online advice service, providing impartial free advice on money and debt issues.
StepChange debt advice
A national debt help charity giving free, confidential and expert advice. Support with a personal action plan for as long as it's needed, online or over the phone.
- StepChange homepage
- Advice on debt stress and mental health
- Free online debt advice or
- Phone 0800 138 1111 Mon to Fri 8am to 8pm, Sat 8am to 4pm
Mental Health Breathing Space
This is a debt relief scheme if you are receiving specific types of mental health crisis treatment. The protections offered include pausing enforcement action, and freezing interest and charges on your debts.
Money Saving Expert
Specialist advice and a Mental Health & Debt guide.
For more local and national information
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