Change of name
If you hold an East Sussex County Council bus pass (not including Brighton & Hove) and your name has changed. There is a fee of £10 for a change of name, unless we are correcting an error or spelling mistake. If you have changed your name we will need to see a photo or photocopy of this proof which may be:
- a copy of the document supporting your name change, for example a marriage certificate or Deed Poll
The easiest way to tell us about a change of name is to do it online.
You can also tell us by post by sending a bus pass change of details form [145.4 KB] [pdf]. If you cannot print the form, please confirm the your details in a letter and send it with your proof to Transport Hub – Public Services, East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE. Do not send the original proof documents.