Annual Parking Report 2021/22


- Foreword by Councillor Claire Dowling, Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Watch on YouTube: "Foreword by Councillor Claire Dowling, Lead Member for Transport and Environment"

Our Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) schemes in East Sussex

There are Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) schemes in four of the five districts and boroughs in East Sussex. The first CPE scheme was introduced in Hastings borough in 1999, this was followed by Lewes district in 2004, Eastbourne borough in 2008 and Rother district in 2020.

Introducing CPE to Wealden district was considered at the same time as Rother district but this was not supported by the district council so did not go ahead. Enforcement of parking restrictions across Wealden district remains the responsibility of the Police.

Aims of our Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) schemes

One of the biggest changes that occurs when adopting CPE is the transfer of responsibility for parking enforcement from the Police to the local authority. Not only does this allow us to enforce parking restrictions, it enables the authority to improve access to parking for residents, businesses and visitors, reduce traffic congestion and improve safety. CPE is also used to try and influence driver behaviour and encourage people to use alternative sustainable forms of transport. More information about CPE is available on our website.

Permit schemes

One of the ways CPE helps us to improve access to parking for residents, business and visitors is by having permit schemes. Permit schemes allow us to balance the differing needs of those wanting to park by providing long term parking for residents and shorter-term parking for visitors, traders and businesses.

Information about the different types of permits is available on our website and further on in this report you can read about the numbers of permits issued in 2021/22.


Whilst we manage the parking schemes across our CPE areas, we outsource a large part of our parking service to NSL. Although we refer to NSL as our enforcement contractor they provide more than just parking enforcement. NSL are the first point of contact for most of our customers whether it relates to general parking queries, permits or Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).

The role of Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs)

The primary responsibility of CEOs is to enforce all the parking restrictions. To make sure that all of the CEOs act fairly and consistently they are instructed to issue a PCN to any vehicle they see parked in contravention. The CEOs do not have any access to look up whom the owner of a vehicle is, and they are not allowed to go in search of the driver of a vehicle. There is a process in place allowing drivers to challenge a PCN if they feel it was issued incorrectly or that there were valid reasons to justify the vehicle being parked in contravention. 

In addition to enforcing parking restrictions CEOs

  • Report any defects they see with lines, signs, pay and display machines or the condition of the highway.
  • Act as a source of local information, often giving directions or assisting people when they are lost or need some help.
  • Monitor permits and the use of blue badges. CEOs have the authority to inspect badges and can seize them if they are being misused, for example, if the badge has expired or is being used by someone other than the badge holder. This is vital for helping to reduce misuse of blue badges and ensuring spaces are only being used by genuine blue badge holders.

Report any vehicles they suspect have been abandoned to Operation Crackdown.

Abuse and attacks on Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs)

Sadly, CEOs experience some of the worst behaviours and characteristics displayed by people. When this happens, the officer will call for assistance using a code system, code yellow or code red.

  • Code yellow is used when an officer requires assistance from either a Senior or Supervisor. This may be for informational purposes and or to make the office aware of potential situation for the officer’s welfare.
  • Code red is used when a situation has escalated out of control and or when the officer feels threatened and may require police assistance.

The council has a policy on unreasonable customer behaviour which includes any behaviour that is offensive, abusive, threatening or physical. This policy applies in the rare situations where frustration, disappointment and upset turns into unacceptable behaviour towards any members of staff. Whilst it is not just CEOs that are subjected to this type of behaviour, they experience the severest forms and impact of it. The types of unreasonable customer behaviour include:

  • using abusive or offensive language towards staff, verbally or in writing
  • violent or aggressive behaviour

Abusive, offensive or threatening behaviour and physical assault is unacceptable wherever it takes place and all instances of this are reported to the Police. In 2021/22 there were

  • 11 code reds
  • 24 code yellows
  • 7 of these were reported to the Police.

Body worn cameras

We will take proportionate action to protect the wellbeing of our staff from unreasonable behaviour in whatever form it takes. Given the increase in instances and severity of unreasonable behaviour towards CEOs we are going to be arranging for the officers to wear body cameras. Not only do we anticipate this will reduce the instances of abusive, offensive, and threatening behaviour towards them, when it does occur, the video evidence will help the Police to be able to take action against the perpetrators.


Customer feedback

Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) in Rother

During the first full year of CPE in Rother District the enforcement team have developed their enforcement strategy, identifying locations that needed more attention whilst also maintaining a consistent level of enforcement across the whole district.

The team looked at the different types of transport used by the CEOs and made changes to reduce travel times, they introduced electric bikes, increasing the use of mopeds and home deploying staff were possible. This increased the amount of time the CEOs were able to be on patrol.

The team also changed the working rotas of the CEOs resulting in increased enforcement to meet the needs of the restrictions, including later nights and more patrols on Sundays.

The team have developed close working relationships with partners within Rother District, including working together with the Rother District Council, the Police, Highways England, East Sussex Highways and RNLI for Operation RADCOTT ensuring appropriate measures were in place for the enforcement of parking restrictions in Camber during the summer.

The first Rother parking review

The first post CPE review of the parking scheme in Rother started in October 2021. This was to allow the scheme to operate for a year giving time for people to get used to the restrictions and for parking patterns to settle.

We received nearly 1000 requests for the permit schemes to be extended, for new restrictions, or for changes to the restrictions already in place. To manage the high number of requests received, and make effective use of our budgets, they were all assessed against our priority ranking system. It took six months to consider and assess all the requests that we received. The outcome of the prioritisation of the requests for Rother [274.4 KB] [pdf] and Rye [169.8 KB] [pdf] is published on our website. We are progressing requests for 122 different locations that will be included in our informal consultation taking place in July 2022.

We and Rother District Council also commissioned The Project Centre to carry out a separate study of the parking arrangements in Rye. This was promised as part of the process of implementing the CPE scheme in Rother. The study took into account both on and off street parking to further understand the use of parking facilities in Rye town centre. The results of the study will also form part of the informal consultation, early indications from the study show that the results reflect the requests for changes that were submitted through our parking review process.

Updates on progress of the Rother review will be made at each stage on our website.

Nice to know people are listening to our concerns. Thanks for responding.

Customer feedback

Parking reviews

The 2020/21 Lewes approved restrictions were installed with the traffic order sealed in November 2021. The prioritisation for the Lewes 2021/22 review took place in November 2021, the informal consultation will take place in May.

The informal consultation for the Eastbourne review was completed in June 2021, and the formal consultation was completed in November 2021 when 715 letters were sent to residents.

The informal consultation in Hastings took place in May 2021. The formal consultation took place in October with approximately 1300 consultation letters sent to residents. All approved restrictions are being installed and once complete we anticipate the traffic order being sealed in April 2022.

The prioritisation of nearly 1000 requests for the first review of parking restrictions in Rother took place in October 2021, with 122 request taken forward to informal consultation.

Updates about our current reviews for Lewes, Hastings, Eastbourne and Rother are on our website.

Newhaven High Street

Part of the 2020/21 Lewes review included Newhaven High Street which was previously enforced under Town Police Clauses Act. With Police resources stretched this was no longer being enforced leading to dangerous and irresponsible parking. Vehicles were often parked on the pavement for long periods of time throughout the pedestrian area, this not only generating large amounts of complaints it was dangerous to all pedestrians.

Through the review process the High Street was brought under the CPE order meaning CEOs could enforce the pedestrian area to prevent vehicles parking there. Before enforcement started warning notices were issued for two weeks, CEOs also proactively spoke with traders and users of the high street to explain the new restrictions and offering advice when necessary. This improved the access and safety for pedestrians throughout the whole of the pedestrian area.

Hastings White Rock theatre area

During our last review of parking in Hasting borough we considered requests to review permit parking spaces available for residents near the theatre, in permits zones A and B. This area has always been in high demand for permits and a waiting list was in place for resident permits in zone A. We proposed to change the pay and display only bays to shared use bays and increase the time of restriction until 8pm on St Margarets Road and White Rock Road. Feedback gathered during the informal and formal consultations supported this proposal. The changes were made and came into effect in April 2022. This increased the permit spaces available for zone A by approximately 14 and 29 for zone B, and cleared the waiting list for resident permits in zone A.

I appreciated the open mind & fairness displayed by your team who acted with both professionalism & respect. Thank you 😊.

Customer feedback

Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

TROs are legal documents which may be made to control or restrict the use of the highway either temporarily or permanently.

Permanent TROs are used to make permanent changes such as introducing resident permit parking schemes or double yellow lines. Temporary TROs are used when there are scheduled short term works such as resurfacing or utility works.

During the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, we processed 12 permanent TROs and 712 temporary TROs. 1419 Public Notices were advertised.

Access Protection Markings (APMs)

An APM is a white line painted in front of a kerb which has been lowered to allow vehicle access, for example driveways. APMs are not legally enforceable but can help deter inconsiderate parking which restricts or blocks access.

During the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, 195 queries were received, 191 APM applications were made and 155 were installed.

You can find out more about APMs and apply online.

Disabled bays

We provide disabled parking bays to blue badge holders where there is a proven hardship caused by being regularly unable to park near their property. Provision of the bay is not automatic. Applicants must hold a valid blue badge, have a permanent and substantial disability, which means being unable to walk, or have considerable difficulty in walking any distance, and not have a suitable off-street area available to park.

During the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, 151 disabled bay applications were received. 49 were installed and 23 were removed as they were no longer needed.

You can find out more about disabled bays and apply online.


All of our schemes offer permits for residents, businesses, traders and carers. Other permit types are available, but these differ in each area depending on the available kerb space and the differing needs of each area.

Information about the different types of permits available for our parking schemes is published on our website. All permits are applied for online using NSL Apply

Permit waiting lists

Permit restrictions within our schemes mostly operate during the day, ending in the early evening. There are only a few zones where a permit is required later into the evening up until 8pm. With the permit restriction applying during the day, not all permit holders will be parked at the same time. For that reason, the number of resident permits we issue may exceed the number of bays available.

We monitor the number of permits issued, if the permit ratio reaches our maximum of 1.5 permits for each bay no more permits are issued, and a waiting list is introduced. It is made clear to applicants when applying for a permit that purchasing one does not guarantee a space.

At the time of producing this report, there are no waiting lists for permits in any of our parking zones.

Permit misuse

To help maintain the integrity and benefits of our permit schemes we monitor the use of permits to make sure that they are being used as intended. On occasion we do find permits that are being misused, a warning will be issued to the permit holder and if misuse continues the permit will be withdrawn or further applications declined. The most common permit type to be misused are trade, then business and hotel. We find that traders do not prove the required works-related information needed to approve the permit. Business and hotel permit misuse are mostly because the permits are being used by staff to provide commuter parking close to their place of work. During the year:

• 695 permit applicants were contacted about the use of the permits they had applied for.
• 230 warnings were issued to applicants.
• 43 permit accounts were frozen pending further information and one permit was withdrawn.

Anyone who suspects permits are being misused can report this, email our customer service team or telephone them on 01273 335500 to report it.

I received a response very quickly & had my renewal completed. Very good service, thank you.

Customer feedback

Permits issued in 2021/22

The following tables show the numbers and types of permits sold in 2020/21 and 2021/22. For Rother, the CPE scheme started in September 2020 and we started issuing permits on 1 August 2020, therefore 2020/21 does not have a full year of permit sales.

Resident permits


Eastbourne resident permits by zone and year
Zone 2020/21 2021/22
A 494 648
B 41 53
G 410 607
J 3 1
M 158 181
N 199 230
R 13 16
S 710 866
SE 8 6
Total 2,036 2,608


Hastings resident permits by zone and year
Zone 2020/21 2021/22
A 101 111
B 164 215
C 163 193
D 398 470
E 220 268
F 421 513
G 300 344
H 427 442
I 101 119
J 19 25
K 149 158
L 44 53
O 9 9
S 154 191
W 3 2
Total 2,673 3,113


Lewes resident permits by zone and year
Zone 2020/21 2021/22
A 585 652
B 268 303
C 254 268
D 300 311
E 313 384
F 25 0
HS&A 42 42
HS&B 163 195
HS&D 95 94
Total 2,045 2,249


Battle resident permits by zone and year
Zone 2020/21 2021/22
D 37 42
Bexhill resident permits by zone and year
Zone 2020/21 2021/22
E 608 692
N 545 614
W 376 503
Total 2,271 2,698
Rye resident permits by zone and year
Zone 2020/21 2021/22
A 40 38
B 8 7
Total 48 45

All other types of permits


Eastbourne permits sold by month and type
Type of permit Resident Visitor Trade Hotel Healthcare and care worker (PCT) Business Doctor
Apr-20 100 100 0 0 2 1
Apr-21 2,950 712 1,110 0 10 6
May-20 150 180 900 0 10 7
May-21 3,150 645 4,910 100 16 0
Jun-20 1,500 837 2,250 0 20 0
Jun-21 3,980 370 8,070 1,920 23 0
Jul-20 3,545 422 5,450 0 15 0
Jul-21 5,240 680 10,750 2,110 15 8
Aug-20 3,090 428 9,440 0 10 0
Aug-21 5,160 384 9,660 440 24 0
Sep-20 3,910 477 8,770 0 17 0
Sep-21 2,860 559 9,620 250 15 0
Oct-20 3,825 624 3,750 0 14 0
Oct-21 3,820 529 5,430 890 13 0
Nov-20 2,740 491 600 0 24 2
Nov-21 2,690 508 4,020 1,110 20 2
Dec-20 2,170 430 1,270 0 11 0
Dec-21 2,800 298 2,770 480 20 0
Jan-21 1,780 395 40 0 16 3
Jan-22 3,600 512 3,250 410 20 0
Feb-21 1,350 620 620 0 9 0
Feb-22 3,370 511 4,400 190 12 0
Mar-21 2,440 536 10 0 18 6
Mar-22 3,620 651 6,200 700 10 11
2020/21 26,600 5,540 33,100 0 166 19
2021/22 43,240 6,359 70,190 8,600 198 27


Hastings permits sold by month and type
Type of permit Resident Visitor Business scratch cards Business Doctor Primary Care Worker (PCW)
Apr-20 0 15 0 0 5
Apr-21 1,449 250 2 0 0
May-20 10 70 0 1 0
May-21 1,503 160 1 1 0
Jun-20 440 198 0 0 2
Jun-21 1,411 219 0 0 57
Jul-20 1,282 177 0 0 2
Jul-21 1,861 152 0 0 65
Aug-20 1,389 99 0 0 0
Aug-21 2,331 234 0 0 21
Sep-20 1,346 177 0 0 1
Sep-21 1,625 216 0 0 17
Oct-20 1,903 239 2 0 1
Oct-21 1,350 125 1 0 10
Nov-20 1,160 122 3 0 0
Nov-21 1,445 229 2 0 8
Dec-20 936 100 1 0 0
Dec-21 1,312 108 0 0 7
Jan-21 542 125 0 0 0
Jan-22 1,014 201 0 0 4
Feb-21 610 157 4 0 0
Feb-22 1,419 171 3 0 4
Mar-21 1,210 211 0 0 0
Mar-22 1,587 266 1 0 5
2020/21 10,828 1,690 10 1 11
2021/22 18,307 2,331 10 1 198


Lewes permits sold by month and type
Type of permit Resident Visitor Trade Hotel Healthcare and care worker (PCT) County Hall West (CH) County Hall East (CP) Business
Apr-20 120 0 0 0 0 0 1
Apr-21 2,130 165 0 0 0 0 1
May-20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
May-21 2,090 83 0 200 0 0 0
Jun-20 920 35 0 0 0 0 1
Jun-21 2,880 160 30 480 0 0 2
Jul-20 1,600 155 30 0 0 0 2
Jul-21 3,910 139 0 570 0 0 2
Aug-20 1,880 143 40 0 0 0 1
Aug-21 3,380 325 220 420 80 196 1
Sep-20 3,030 155 30 100 0 0 0
Sep-21 3,490 135 20 160 48 69 1
Oct-20 2,720 111 0 0 0 0 0
Oct-21 3,110 193 0 920 31 55 0
Nov-20 2,890 162 200 0 0 0 1
Nov-21 2,400 174 0 200 15 24 0
Dec-20 1,390 159 50 0 0 0 1
Dec-21 2,860 255 0 280 5 22 0
Jan-21 1,640 95 0 0 0 0 1
Jan-22 2,520 186 0 0 8 15 0
Feb-21 1,540 245 0 0 0 0 0
Feb-22 2,340 255 30 80 12 15 1
Mar-21 2,570 225 30 0 0 0 0
Mar-22 2,770 193 200 1,040 15 20 0
2020/21 20,300 1,485 380 100 0 0 8
2021/22 33,880 2,263 500 4,350 214 416 8


Rother permits sold by month and type
Type of permit Resident Visitor Trade Hotel Healthcare and care worker (PCT) Business user Doctor
Apr-20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Apr-21 3,760 14 40 0 5 0
May-20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
May-21 2,880 62 560 0 3 0
Jun-20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Jun-21 2,870 100 90 0 6 0
Jul-20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Jul-21 4,970 118 180 5,600 3 0
Aug-20 1,370 0 0 0 1 0
Aug-21 3,810 141 1,300 3,500 2 0
Sep-20 4,760 35 550 0 10 0
Sep-21 3,710 148 130 340 13 0
Oct-20 8,220 185 320 0 17 0
Oct-21 3,070 132 200 0 15 0
Nov-20 2,890 198 180 0 3 2
Nov-21 2,410 131 230 2,500 6 1
Dec-20 1,660 90 30 0 2 0
Dec-21 3,120 115 0 1,250 3 0
Jan-21 1,380 89 0 0 4 0
Jan-22 2,670 156 50 380 2 0
Feb-21 1,660 93 0 0 2 1
Feb-22 2,610 95 0 70 3 1
Mar-21 3,050 216 0 0 3 0
Mar-22 2,420 183 30 110 3 0
2020/21 24,990 906 1,080 0 42 3
2021/22 38,300 1,395 2,810 13,750 64 2

Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

PCNs are issued by CEOs to vehicles that are parked in contravention of the parking regulations. PCNs are usually placed on the windscreen of the vehicle or can be handed to the driver of the vehicle if they return when the PCN is being issued. There are two price bands of PCNs, higher for more serious contraventions and lower for less serious. The contravention in each band and the cost of them is set by legislation. You can find out more about the contravention codes on our website.

We also issue a different type of PCN, known as a regulation 10 PCN, that we can issue by post. These are for stopping on school keep clear markings and driving away before the PCN is placed on the vehicle and for entering a bus lane.

PCNs issued by month


13,163 PCNs were issued in Eastbourne borough in 2021/22. This was 5201 more than the previous year. 

Chart showing the number of PCNs issued by month in Eastbourne
Eastbourne PCNs issued by month


9,766 PCNs were issued in Hastings borough in 2021/22. This was 344 less than the previous year. 

Chart showing the number of PCNs issued by month in Hastings
Hastings PCNs issued by month

Lewes on street

7,254 PCNs were issued in Lewes district on street in 2021/22. This was 2,383 more than the previous year. 

Chart showing the number of PCNs issued by month on street in Lewes district
Lewes district on street PCNs issued by month

Lewes off street

A total of 3,242 PCNs were issued off street in Lewes District Council car parks and the Sussex Police car park at North Street in 2021/22. This was 1,345 more than the previous year. 

256 PCNs were issued in County Hall car park. There was no enforcement of the car park in the previous year.

Chart showing the number of PCNs issued by month in car parks in Lewes district (excluding County Hall)
Lewes off street PCNs issued by month (excluding County Hall)
Chart showing the number of PCNs issued by month in County Hall car park
County Hall PCNs issued by month


7,157 PCNs were issued in Rother district on street in 2021/22. This was 3,643 more than the previous year, the Rother parking scheme did not go live until the end of September 2020. 

Chart showing the number of PCNs issued by month in Rother
Rother PCNs issued by month

PCNs issued by contravention code


Eastbourne PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code 2020/21 2021/22 Difference
Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours 1 1,803 2,373 570
Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force 2 698 1,076 378
Parked after the expiry of paid-for time 5 322 627 305
No valid ticket 6 355 186 -169
Parked without payment of the parking charge 11 0 364 364
Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay-and-display ticket or permit 12 1,542 2,846 1,304
Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit 16 556 1,459 903
Displaying an invalid permit 19 309 816 507
Parked in a suspended bay/space or part of bay/space 21 41 130 89
Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle 23 353 550 197
Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space 24 15 14 -1
Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading 25 346 414 68
Parked 50 cm or more from the kerb 26 45 29 -16
Dropped footway (new contravention) 27 185 190 5
Parked on a raised verge 28 1 0 -1
Parked longer than permitted 30 540 852 312
Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge 40 471 629 158
Parked in a Police space 42 6 11 5
Parked on a taxi rank 45 140 142 2
Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand 47 169 241 72
Parked on a school keep clear 48 14 124 110
Commercial vehicle in overnight waiting ban 55 2 0 -2
Parked in contravention of commercial waiting 56 5 5 0
Parked on a footway / verge 62 12 26 14
Parked on a pedestrian crossing 99 32 59 27
Total   7,962 13,163 5,201


Hastings PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code Hastings 2020/21 Hastings 2021/22 Difference
Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours 1 2,849 3,129 280
Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force 2 383 416 33
Parked after the expiry of paid-for time 5 396 213 -183
No valid ticket 6 1,390 569 -821
Parked without payment of the parking charge 11 0 1,077 1,077
Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay-and-display ticket or permit 12 1,804 1,503 -301
Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit 16 1 1 0
Displaying an invalid permit 19 71 65 -6
Parked in a suspended bay/space or part of bay/space 21 51 28 -23
Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle 23 281 338 57
Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space 24 9 4 -5
Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading 25 466 514 48
Parked 50 cm or more from the kerb 26 13 15 2
Dropped footway (new contravention) 27 83 78 -5
Parked longer than permitted 30 1,152 693 -459
Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge 40 629 589 -40
Parked in a Police space 42 3 5 2
Parked on a taxi rank 45 17 87 70
Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand 47 298 206 -92
Parked on a school keep clear 48 35 35 0
Parked on a footway / verge 62 139 171 32
Parked on a pedestrian crossing 99 40 30 -10
Total   10,110 9,766 -344


Lewes on street PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code 2020/21 2021/22 Difference
Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours 1 1,651 2,460 809
Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force 2 245 267 22
Parked after the expiry of paid-for time 5 116 248 132
No valid ticket 6 168 99 -69
Parked without payment of the parking charge 11   243 243
Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay-and-display ticket or permit 12 485 864 379
Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit 16 548 811 263
Displaying an invalid permit 19 346 533 187
Parked in a suspended bay/space or part of bay/space 21 36 60 24
Re-parked in the same parking place within the no return period 22 1 1 0
Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle 23 10 24 14
Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space 24 16 26 10
Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading 25 220 209 -11
Parked 50 cm or more from the kerb 26 11 18 7
Dropped footway 27 43 53 10
Parked on a raised verge 28 2 1 -1
Parked longer than permitted 30 616 785 169
Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge 40 109 219 110
Parked on a taxi rank 45 83 114 31
Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand 47 107 74 -33
Parked on a school keep clear 48 12 13 1
Parked on a footway / verge 62 38 128 90
Parked on a pedestrian crossing 99 8 4 -4
Total   4,871 7,254 2,383
Lewes off street PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code 2020/21 2021/22 Difference
Parked without payment of the parking charge 73   1,866 1,866
Overstayed paid-for 80 25 24 -1
Parked in a restricted area 81 10 34 24
Expired pay-and-display ticket 82 214 463 249
No pay-and-display ticket 83 1,358 732 -626
No permit 85 94 208 114
Out-of-bay 86 39 88 49
Parked in a disabled bay without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge 87 10 27 17
Area not designated for class of vehicle 91 147 56 -91
Total   1,897 3,498 1,601


Rother PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code
Sep 2020/21

Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours 1 778 1,586 808
Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force 2 30 60 30
Parked after the expiry of paid-for time 5 54 183 129
No valid ticket 6 572 422 -150
Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time 7 0 12 12
Parked without payment of the parking charge 11 0 697 697
Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay-and-display ticket or permit 12 92 149 57
Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit 16 557 1,890 1,333
Displaying an invalid permit 19 22 26 4
Parked in a suspended bay/space or part of bay/space 21 5 18 13
Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle 23 93 297 204
Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space 24 0 1 1
Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading 25 124 236 112
Parked 50 cm or more from the kerb 26 0 2 2
Dropped footway 27 9 25 16
Parked longer than permitted 30 959 972 13
Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge 40 157 395 238
Parked on a taxi rank 45 4 7 3
Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand 47 48 130 82
Parked on a clearway 46 0 25 25
Parked on a school keep clear 48 0 4 4
Parked on a pedestrian crossing 99 10 20 10
Total   3,514 7,157 3,643

The number of PCNs paid in Eastbourne and Hastings was approximately 4% less than PCNs paid the previous year, although Lewes paid PCNs were up almost 2%, both on street and off.

PCNs paid by stage and CPE area
 PCNs paid by stage Eastbourne Hastings Lewes (On Street) Lewes (Off Street) Rother
At Discounted Rate (£25) 1,787 1,210 1,308 2,365 1,148
At Discounted Rate (£35) 6,477 4,044 3,526 217 3,504
At Full Rate (£50) 319 281 202 409 241
At Full Rate (£70) 1,000 831 620 25 414
After Charge Certificate (£75) 37 38 30 33 22
After Charge Certificate (£105) 133 145 73 4 61
After Registration (£83) 75 70 41 44 62
After Registration (£113) 264 223 134 4 120
Total paid 10,092 6,842 5,934 3,101 5,572

PCNs challenged and appealed

Our Notice Processing Team received 11,893 items of correspondence related to the 40,838 PCNs issued.  

Summary of PCNs paid, challenged and appealed

Of the 40,838 PCNs issued:

  • 31,541 were paid.
  • 2,617 were cancelled.
  • 168 were written off.
  • 6,512 remain open and unresolved.
  • 33 cases were appealed to the independent adjudication service, Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT).


The reason why I was fined was made clear to me and I learnt something from it. It’s your job and you did it well.

Customer feedback

PCNs cancelled by reason

PCNs cancelled by reason and CPE area
Cancellation reason Eastbourne Hastings Lewes on street Lewes off street Rother
Adjudicators decision 4 1 2 2 1
Appeal not contested 0 0     0
Blue badge holder 92 58 55 15 77
Cashless or Virtual parking - error accepted 142 38 62 110 41
CEO error 68 95 94 30 56
Mitigating reasons 313 152 133 110 145
Emergency; gas, water or electric  10 8 10   2
Loading or unloading 29 34 29   18
Medical emergency 3 0 3   0
Meter fault 4 6 6 3 0
Missing, obscured lines or signs 6 11 9 3 2
Multiple PCNs, one contravention 15 13 31 1 7
Police vehicle 8 1 1   0
Processing or system error ESCC 11 1 1 1 0
Processing or system error NSL 6 4 16 2 13
Unforeseen delay 0 0     0
Valid pay and display ticket supplied 82 32 35 93 19
Valid permit held 17 2 7 6 9
Vehicle breakdown 32 29 18 1 11
Total 842 485 512 377 401

PCNs appealed to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT)

33 appeals were submitted to the TPT to be considered by an independent adjudicator. 13 resulted in the adjudicator finding in favour of the appellant and instructing us to cancel the PCN. 19 were dismissed in our favour with the adjudicator instructing the appellant to pay the PCN.

TPT Results
Results of appeals made to TPT

Customer contact

Aside from customers contacting us about PCNs that have been issued, we receive a large number of non PCN related parking enquiries. We had 932 customer contacts this year, which is slightly higher than last year. The chart below shows the breakdown of the types of contact we received.

Pie chart showing customer contact, excluding PCN challenges
Customer contact, excluding PCN challenges

In addition to the above correspondence, we also sent out 3997 consultation packs, received 929 online review requests, installed 144 access protection markings and 37 disabled bays.

I have needed advice on a number of occasions since moving to the town in September. The team have provided prompt replies, fast action to solve online problems, and helpful information on every occasion.

Customer feedback

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests

We received 32 FOIs in 2021/22. The most common type of FOI request we receive relates to PCNs, either how many issued for a certain reason or location, or the income received from paid PCNs.

An archive of all the requests the council has received and responded to is published online, anyone can search the disclosure log for details of FOI requests by entering the search dates and a topic. Local Authorities also must have a publication scheme which contains categories of information we must make publicly available, which includes things like what we spend, and how we spend it and payment to suppliers that are over £500. The publication scheme is detailed on our website.

Unreasonable customer behaviour

We cannot provide a service to all of our customers in a fair way if a customer dominates our service with frequent, lengthy contacts about the same issue which we are seeking to resolve or where we have already explained what we can and cannot do to resolve it. If a customer’s contact with us turns into unreasonable behaviour, as mentioned earlier in this report, there is an unreasonable customer behaviour policy in place.

Earlier in this report we covered how abusive, offensive and threatening behaviour is covered by this policy. In addition, the other types of unreasonable customer behaviour covered by this policy include:

  • repeatedly refusing to use an existing process for escalating a problem or for challenging or appealing against a Council decision; and
  • repeatedly contacting us about an issue which we are seeking to resolve or where we have already explained what we can and cannot do to resolve it, where no significant new information is being provided.

In the rare situations when this occurs, we will take proportionate action to protect the wellbeing of our staff and other customers from unreasonable behaviour in whatever form it takes.

Acting on customer feedback

We value all the feedback we receive about our parking schemes and services. Below is a summary of things you have asked for and what we did.

Good service and always responsive and courteous. Also nice to feel like you are communicating with an actual person.

Customer feedback

You asked, we did
You asked We did
For it to be made clearer how to apply for a permit online. We have adjusted the wording on the button to make it clearer that pressing it will take you to permit application system.
Make it easier to change the vehicle on your resident permit. NSL have been working on this and we are expecting an update to the system to improve this aspect.
To make it easier to speak to someone on the phone. The Customer Service Team have changed how they manage calls, the majority of calls are now answered. Voicemails are returned within 24 hours.
Show the parking tariffs on the pay and display machines. The tariffs are shown on screen when the machine is activated by pressing one of the buttons.
How to report vehicles parked blocking access. Vehicles blocking access to a dropped kerb for vehicle or pedestrian access can be reported by calling 01273 335500 (option 1). This information is also on our website.
For an increase of parking enforcement in Camber during summer. Additional CEOs and changes have been made to shift patterns so more CEOs were in Camber for longer during the busier days.
Make the maps on our website clearer and interactive. This is something the team would like to do and are looking at financial and suitable solution to accomplish this.
To make our response to PCN challenges more human and empathetic. Each challenge is looked at by a member of the Notice Processing team and a decision is made based on the individual case being dealt with. Any evidence that has been provided will be considered when reaching a decision. All feedback that is received regarding PCN challenges will be used to improve our customer service.
Improvements to the hotel permit scheme. We have begun more regular monitoring of hotel permits and will be doing this over several months to gain better information about the number of permits being used and where they are being used and how this changes seasonally. The information will be included in the next Eastbourne review to identify what changes are needed (if any).

Very prompt responses, very helpful staff, thanks for sorting this out so quickly!

Customer feedback


The total income from the parking schemes in 2021/22 was £6,289,179, after expenditure details of schemes the surplus supports are below.

Overall income and expenditure for all parking schemes


Combined income for all parking schemes
Income 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
On street charge 2,014,969 3,626,146
Off street charge 217 48,173
Permit income 710,671 959,367
Penalty Charge Notices 894,299 1,364,460
Payments from Other Local Authorities 280,267 283,874
Other income 4,998 7,159
Total 3,905,421 6,289,179


Combined expenditure for all parking schemes
Expenditure 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Enforcement contract 2,107,928 2,196,931
ESCC Staff 644,911 655,471
Operational Expenditure (non enforcement) 1,019,814 1,173,534
Payments to Other Local Authorities 55,245 89,112
New pay and display machines 131,885 0
Supported bus network and concessionary fares 0 1,630,000
Total 3,959,783 5,745,048

Overall surplus or deficit

Combined overall surplus or deficit for all parking schemes
  2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Operational Surplus/(Deficit) (54,362) 544,131

Payments and investments supported by CPE surplus

Scheme or project supported by the surplus
Scheme or project 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Parking Review 116,929 153,827
Approved by parking board 30,000 0
Set up costs 207,564 0
Total Payment and investments 354,493 153,827
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (408,855) (390,304)

Eastbourne borough income and expenditure

Income from the Eastbourne CPE scheme
Eastbourne income 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
On street charge 1,027,758 1,778,607
Permit income 249,508 421,415
Penalty Charge Notices 273,005 436,038
Other income 2,783 1,892
Total 1,553,054 2,637,952
Expenditure from the Eastbourne CPE scheme
Eastbourne expenditure 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Enforcement contract 632,801 622,830
ESCC Staff 210,140 167,941
Operational Expenditure (non enforcement) 564,203 511,616
Supported bus network and concessionary fares   1,001,306
Total 1,407,144 2,303,693
Eastbourne CPE scheme overall surplus or deficit
Eastbourne surplus  2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Operational Surplus/(Deficit) 145,910 334,259
Payments and investments supported by the Eastbourne CPE scheme
Payments and investments 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Parking Review 51,350 33,346
Total Payment and investments 51,350 33,346
Net Surplus/(Deficit) 94,560 300,913

Hastings borough income and expenditure

Income from the Hastings CPE scheme
Hastings income 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
On street charge 563,530 896,609
Permit income 187,934 216,159
Penalty Charge Notices 318,697 346,314
Other income 1,153 1,705
Total 1,071,314 1,460,787
Expenditure from the Hastings CPE scheme
Hastings expenditure 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Enforcement contract 661,313 628,942
ESCC Staff 182,822 171,830
Operational Expenditure (non enforcement) 216,250 244,598
Supported bus network and concessionary fares   311,449
Total 1,060,385 1,356,819
Overall surplus or deficit
Hastings surplus 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Operational Surplus/(Deficit) 10,929 103,968
Payments and investments supported by the scheme
Payments and investments 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Parking Review 32,278 48,422
Approved by parking board 30,000  
Total Payment and investments 62,278 48,422
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (51,349) 55,546

Lewes district income and expenditure

Lewes income 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
On street charge 329,922 505,584
Off street charge 217 48,173
Permit income 177,131 202,889
Penalty Charge Notices 235,987 345,726
Payments from Other Local Authorities 280,267 283,874
Other income 1,062 1,811
Total 1,024,586 1,388,057
Lewes expenditure 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Enforcement contract 654,932 663,654
ESCC Staff 235,362 195,945
Operational Expenditure (non enforcement) 174,243 236,221
Payments to Other Local Authorities 55,245 89,112
Supported bus network and concessionary fares   152,288
Total 1,119,782 1,337,220
Overall surplus or deficit
Lewes surplus or deficit 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Operational Surplus/(Deficit) (95,196) 50,837
Payments and investments supported by the scheme
Payments and investments 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Parking Review 33,301 44,196
Total Payment and investments 33,301 44,196
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (128,497) 6,641

Rother district income and expenditure

Rother income 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
On street charge 93,759 445,346
Permit income 96,098 118,904
Penalty Charge Notices 66,610 236,382
Other income   1,751
Total 256,467 802,383
Rother expenditure 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Enforcement contract 158,882 281,505
ESCC Staff 16,587 119,755
Operational Expenditure (non enforcement) 65,118 181,099
New pay and display machines 131,885  
Supported bus network and concessionary fares   164,957
Total 372,472 747,316
Rother surplus or deficit
Rother Surplus or deficit 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Operational Surplus/(Deficit) (116,005) 55,067
Payments and investments supported by the scheme
Payments and investments 2020/21 £ 2021/22 £
Parking Review   27,863
Set up costs 207,564  
Total Payment and investments 207,564 27,863
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (323,569) 27,204

Parking spaces

The tables below show the numbers of parking spaces within the parking zones in our CPE areas. As our parking bays are not individually marked the numbers shown are approximate. We believe that the best way to maximise use of the available space is to have one continuous bay without individually marked parking spaces within it. The permits we issue are valid for vehicles up to 6.5 metres in length, if spaces were individually marked, we would have to allow space for the longest permitted vehicle plus manoeuvring space.

Eastbourne parking spaces by zone and type

Zone Number of permit only spaces Number of shared use spaces Number of pay and display only spaces Number of disabled spaces Number of loading bays
A 155 198 49 41 13
B 46 0  0  0  0
G 83 375 15 30 16
J 7 0  0 1  0
M 25 168  0  0 1
N 44 497 9 23 6
R 12 0  0 1  0
S 78 1,205 36 18 26
Total 450 2,443 109 114 62

Hastings parking spaces by zone and type

Zone Number of permit only spaces Number of shared use spaces Number of pay and display only spaces Number of disabled spaces Number of loading bays
A 62 0 9 3  0
B 98 16 100 9 3
C 106 0 36 3
D 201 42 14 19 5
E 118  0 54 7 3
F 256 72 48 13 6
G 0 269 0 5
H 0 534 0 8 0
I 0 157 11 1 0
J 19 0 0 0 0
K 0 135 0 6 0
L  0 103 0  0 0
O 8 0 0  0 0
S 198 0 0 6 0
W 8 0
Total 1,074 1,328 272 80 17

Lewes parking spaces by zone and type

Zone Number of permit only spaces Number of shared use spaces Number of pay and display only spaces Number of disabled spaces Number of loading bays
A 396 422 0
B 149 152 4
C 101 175 4 2 4
D 119 119 11 3
D and E 7
E 166 139 6
F 64
HS 37 44 33 9 4
Total 1,039 1,051 37 32 11

Rother parking spaces by zone and type

Rother Number of permit only spaces Number of shared use spaces Number of pay and display only spaces Number of disabled spaces Number of time limited only bays Number of loading bays
D 0 51 0 0 0 0
C 259 304 77 39 97 11
E 744 0 18 0 0
N 607 0 11 0 0
W 272 54 0 3 0 0
A 29 0 0 0 0 0
B 9 0 0 0 0 0
Total 569 1,760 77 71 97 11

Car parks

Information about spaces in the car parks is available on the district and borough council websites. There are links to these from our website.