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Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)

Eastbourne parking review formal consultation

We are carrying out a consultation on changes to parking restrictions in Eastbourne.

The formal consultation is now open and will close on 7 February 2025.

Find out about the changes and provide feedback by viewing the consultation at: https://consultation.eastsussex.gov.uk/economy-transport-environment/eastbourne-2-formal/

We are committed to improving road safety for everyone and parking enforcement forms part of our wider transport strategy.

CPE means that local authorities are responsible for enforcing on-street parking controls instead of the police. It is covered by section six of the Traffic Management Act 2004.

The key differences are:

  • most parking contraventions, including parking on yellow lines and in parking bays, are no longer criminal
  • use of a type of parking ticket, called a Penalty Charge Notice
  • local authorities enforce parking controls and keep the income from parking tickets – this money is used to improve local transport.

CPE in East Sussex

CPE was introduced in Hastings borough in May 1999, Lewes district in September 2004, Eastbourne borough in October 2008 and Rother district in September 2020.

We manage the CPE schemes and NSL enforce the on-street parking restrictions on our behalf, and in the Lewes district car parks on their behalf. Enforcement of parking is carried out by: Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs).

What are the benefits?

CPE gives local authorities greater control in reducing inconsiderate parking. This helps to

  • ease congestion caused by inconsiderate parking
  • improve road safety
  • provide parking for specific users such as residents, businesses and blue badge holders
  • increase the turnover of parking spaces making it easier for visitors and shoppers to park
  • provide facilities for loading and unloading.

Parking tickets (Penalty Charge Notices)

If you park in a restricted area without displaying a permit or making a valid payment, you could receive a parking ticket called a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

This means you may have to pay a penalty but it does not lead to a criminal record or points on your driving licence. PCNs are different to fixed penalty notices, which are issued by the police and traffic wardens for criminal offences. See Parking tickets (Penalty Charge Notices)

Where does the money go?

CPE is self-financing. Any extra income after administration and enforcement costs is used to improve local transport. This includes parking improvements, traffic management, better public transport and facilities for pedestrians or cyclists.

Further information

For more information about parking enforcement, see the website: PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London).   

You can find out more about parking enforcement in East Sussex in our section on Parking policies and reports

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