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Apply for an access protection marking (APM)

Lewes parking review consultation

We are asking for your views on changes to parking restrictions in Lewes district.

Find out more and have your say about the Lewes District informal consultation. This will close on 28 February 2025. 

Guidance notes for applicants

If you already have an APM that has faded, do not use this form. You need to contact East Sussex Highways to apply for your APM to be refreshed.

What is an Access Protection Marking (APM)?

APMs are advisory white lines painted in front of dropped kerbs, which are kerbs that have been lowered to allow vehicle access, for example driveways. APMs can be very effective in deterring inconsiderate parking which restricts or blocks access. 

If you do not have a dropped kerb we will not consider an application for an APM. You can apply to East Sussex Highways for consent to install a dropped kerb

Enforcement of APMs

APMs are not legally enforceable by the Police or by Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs).

In Civil Enforcement areas (Eastbourne and Hastings boroughs, and Lewes and Rother districts) CEOs can, at the request of a resident whose access is blocked, issue a penalty charge notice to a vehicle parked across a dropped kerb and blocking access. An APM is not required for CEOs to enforce this. To report a vehicle parked in this way you should contact our enforcement contractor, NSL, who will be able to send a CEO to the area. You can contact them by telephone on 01273 335500 (option 1) or by email to parking.information@eastsussex.gov.uk.

In Wealden district, blocked access can be reported to the Police on their non-emergency number 101. Please note they can only act if the vehicle is parked in a way that prevents another vehicle from leaving the dropped kerb access.

Charges for APMs

The charge for an APM is £50. If the access is wider than 10 metres, £1.10 is added to the charge for each additional metre. VAT is included.

If you are a blue badge holder there is no charge for an APM, provided you live at the address. If your Blue Badge is due to expire within six weeks of the date you submit this form, your application will not be progressed free of charge.


Provision of an APM is subject to the following conditions:

  • We accept no responsibility for replacement of the marking should it become faded or covered by third party road works, but you may apply to have it refreshed for a charge.
  • Residents should not park on the APM installed across the front of their driveway as this can undermine its effectiveness and lead to general abuse of it. The Council reserves the right to take the steps to remove the APM, if such abuse regularly takes place.
  • We reserve the right to remove the marking should this prove necessary, without refunding the charge paid.

How we look after your data: Privacy notice – Parking Services.

Application form

Section 1: Your details

Name of the council that issued your Blue Badge

Section 2: Access details

Full address (including house number or name) of the property that the APM is being requested for.
eg front of property, garage to the rear of property

Section 3: Access difficulties

Please give details of why an access protection marking is needed
eg yellow lines or parking bays

You will need to apply for a dropped kerb before you can apply for an access protection marking. To make an application, see East Sussex Highways - Dropped kerbs and vehicle access

Section 4: Photographs

It would help us consider your application if you provide photographs of the area. You can upload them here.

Section 5: Declaration

By entering your full name below, you declare that the information you have given is correct and that you have read and understood the guidance notes and the conditions at the top of this form.