Complaints and Feedback about Adult Social Care, Children's Services and Councillors
Our complaints process and policy
- We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days.
- We will send you a response within 20 working days.
- If you’re not happy with our initial investigation, we’ll look into the points you raise.
Sometimes it can take longer to resolve issues. If that happens, we’ll explain to you what the options are and how long it is likely to take.
Find out more about how to make a complaint below, or read more about the process in our Corporate Complaint Policy [222.7 KB] [pdf].
If your complaint is about an apprenticeship programme that is being delivered directly by ESCC via the in-house Apprenticeship and Qualifications Team (AQT), please read the ESCC AQT complaints policy.
Complaints and Feedback about Adult Social Care, Children's Services and Councillors
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