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  4. Make a complaint or give feedback about adult social care and health services

Make a complaint or give feedback about adult social care and health services

Your feedback is important – it helps us learn and improve how we do things in the future.

We aim to provide high quality adult social care and health services. This includes services we provide directly and those provided by others on our behalf. It also includes Public Health.

If you are unhappy with a service, contact the person you have been dealing with or their manager. Often things can be put right quickly.

If you have already done this or would rather talk to someone else, please contact us.

Other ways to contact us

Phone: 01273 481 242

Email: Adult Social Care Complaints

When you contact us, we will ask you about:

  • your concerns
  • how you think these could be resolved

What will happen next?

We will reply to your email within 3 working days. We aim to respond to complaints within 10 to 20 working days.

Appealing a decision

If you do not agree with the outcome of your assessment, you can make an appeal by contacting the appropriate service:

  • Social care assessments – contact your worker or the person who did the assessment
  • Financial assessments – call 01323 464 699

Complaints and feedback annual report

Read our annual report:

Complaints and feedback annual report - 2023 -24