What is a personal travel budget (PTB)?

What is a personal travel budget (PTB)?

A personal travel budget could help you to arrange your child or young person’s travel. We may offer you a PTB if we can’t offer you other travel assistance. 

  • your child or young person must be eligible for the Council’s travel assistance to school or college  
  • there must be no other suitable transport we can arrange, like taxis or a minibus 
  • you’ll be responsible for arranging all your child or young person’s school or college journeys 

What can you use it for? 

You can use it to help pay for transporting your child or young person to school or college. 

You don’t need to show us how you spend it. We will regularly check your child or young person’s attendance with their school or college. If your child or young person’s attendance drops below 95%, we will ask for some money back. 

How much can you get? 

We work out the amount you could get based on the length of your journey and the number of days travelled.   

We pay the funds into your bank account – it won’t affect any benefits you may have. 

Apply for a personal travel budget

  • apply for travel assistance for your child or young person with SEND. You can indicate on the application form if you would like to apply for a PTB. 
  • if your application is approved, but we can’t offer our usual travel support such as a minibus, we may offer you a PTB. 

See if you qualify for travel assistance