Going to school
Apply for a school place
Admissions, applying, missed deadlines and how school places are decided.
Term dates and school holidays
School term dates for East Sussex.
Download or print term dates calendars.
School search
Find out about all state-funded schools in East Sussex, including Ofsted results.
School life
Find out about school meals, school uniform, and uniform banks.
Get alerts about school closures
Information on an emergency school closure, updated every five minutes.
About schools in East Sussex
Types of schools in East Sussex, league tables and Ofsted reports.
School travel and transport
Find out if you qualify and apply for school transport.
School attendance and behaviour
Information including home education, penalty notices and missing school.
Schools' Information Technology
Schools ICT offer IT maintenance, support and management services.
School place appeals
Information concerning making an appeal and progress of an appeal.
Support for minority ethnic pupils
Support for Gypsy Roma Traveller children and children learning English.
Special Educational Needs
Information and advice for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).