What is independent travel training (ITT)?

Your child or young person with SEND could get support with independent travel training if: 

  • they have an education, health and care (EHC) plan 
  • they’re getting travel assistance from us 

What is independent travel training? 

Independent travel training helps young learners with SEND to: 

  • travel on their own to schools and colleges or travel safely with a responsible adult where appropriate 
  • use different types of public transport, like buses and trains, with confidence 
  • We also have a safer walking training programme which may be appropriate for younger children. 

We can offer the following training options:  

  • One to one training either walking or using public transport to allow the young person to complete the journey independently.   
  • Group family training in the home to support families/carers to deliver the training themselves, with the help and guidance of the trainer leading to independence through supported family tuition. 
  • Accompanied walking training following on from the group family training to support a responsible adult to walk safely with a child with SEND to school. 
  • Training in a school or college either one to one or in a group. This can prepare children or young people for one of our other courses.   

What happens during the practical training? 

First, our trainer works with you and your young person to make a training programme. 

Our trainers first assess the route, meet with the family and deliver the training designed to the needs of the young person.   

The training is designed to allow the student to gain the knowledge to access their school or college safely independently.  As the course progresses and the young person gains confidence the trainer will move away until the student can complete the journey independently observed by the trainer. 

  •  This develops their skills to: 
  • find their way 
  • use timetables and travel on public transport 
  • know what to do if something unexpected arises 

By the end, they should be able to travel independently without help from the trainer. 

How long does the training last? 

As our courses are bespoke, the course length is always based around the student's needs. Progress is discussed with the family and the course will move through stages as the student achieves targets and becomes confident. They will move to the final stage when ready where the trainer will observe the student complete the journey independently. 

How to apply for independent travel training

National Star College provides our travel training. Complete the referral form to apply.

Travel training

If you need help applying, contact the Travel Training Team Coordinator. 

Email: Debbie Baldwin

Phone: 0781 500 6582