Housing advice if you are 18 or over

I’m 18 or over and I’ve got nowhere to live – where can I go for help?

If you are 18 or over and are at risk of homelessness, you should contact the housing team of your local district or borough council. They can give you advice and help you to find somewhere to live. Contact them Monday to Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.

To find your nearest office, go to:

The Housing Options Team can also refer you to BHT Sussex for housing support.

For more information, please visit the website of:

Housing support for disabled or vulnerable adults

Find out about supported housing for working-age adults with a physical or learning disability, mental health problems, or a condition that makes them vulnerable and temporary accommodation with on-site support if you

  • are at risk of/fleeing domestic abuse
  • have experienced/are experiencing mental health issues
  • are a young person who is pregnant or has a dependent child
  • are aged over 18, single, homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and require support to develop your tenancy sustainment skills

Sheltered housing schemes (run by local district or borough councils or housing associations) support adults with disabilities. 

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