Provider portal full guide
The Provider Portal is a web-based system that links providers with East Sussex County Council’s contracts and payments system, ContrOCC.
This guide explains how to log in and use the portal.
Logging in
- Visit and click Login with LiquidLogic.
- Enter your provider email address and password. Click Submit. If you forget your password, use the guidance for resetting your password.
- An authentication code is emailed to the registered email address.
- Enter the code from the email into the Code box. Click Finish.
- You are now logged into the Provider Portal. To log out, click Log out.
Selecting a provider
If you have access to more than one service (for example, more than one care home) you will need to select a provider from the list. Once you select a provider, all information you view will be specific to that provider. You can only view information for one provider at a time.
- Select the name of the provider you wish to view.
- The homepage is displayed for the selected provider. The name of the provider you are viewing information for is always displayed on the screen.
- You can change the provider at any time using the drop-down list in the top right-hand corner.
Submitting an action
Actions can be submitted in the following ways:
If the Action relates to a contract query
- Select Care package line items.
- Select View to display all care packages.
Note: If the care package has an end date more than 28 days in the past, you will need to tick the Include historical box.
- Select the Submit action button next to the relevant Care Package Line Item.
- The new action will automatically fill in some of the required information. Please complete the following fields:
- Type: select the relevant type from the drop-down list
- Assign to: select ASC Service Agreement Team
- Title: enter a suitable title, for example ‘Hospital admission’ or ‘Client deceased’
- Text: add extra information that you want to send to ESCC
- Select Create action to continue or the Cancel button to abandon the Action.
If the Action relates to a variation request
- Click on the actions and change requests icon on the homepage.
- Click on the new action button
- Select Type: Variation
- Related To: select Client
- Entity: select the client your query relates to
- Assign to: select ASC: Brokerage Team
Title: Enter the date or time period of the variation.
Enter the text below for:
- one-off crisis situations (for example, if a carer stays to wait for an ambulance to arrive), or
- extra hours up to 1 week (and with a maximum value of £150). For example extra time to cover for a informal carer while they are ill or on holiday.
Contracted hours:
Day or week:
Actual hours delivered per day or week:
Reason for the over provision:
Please can you confirm if Adult Social Care agree or reject the above variation request for this ESCC client.
- Select the Create action button to continue or the Cancel button to abandon the action.
If the action relates to a payment query
- Click on the actions and change requests icon on the homepage.
- Click on the New action button
Select type: Variation
Related to: select Client
Entity: select the client your query relates to
Assign to: select NASC: Payments Team
Title: Enter a title here
Text: Enter details about the query here
3. Select the Create action button to continue or the Cancel button to abandon the action.
Pending actions
A summary of any actions and their status is available from the homepage.
Green icons mean there are no actions pending.
Amber icons mean there is an action you have submitted to ESCC which has yet to be completed and closed.
Red icons mean you have submitted an action which is overdue.
Where you have more than one action outstanding, the number of actions is indicated in the text beside the icon.
Viewing an action
You can view the history of an action and any comments ESCC have added.
- Select the Actions and Change Requests link on the homepage.
This opens the Action and Change Requests page displaying all open Actions.
Note: To view all Actions, including closed Actions, untick the Open Actions Only tick box and select the View button.
Select the action title to view the details and any communication between the provider and ESCC.
The provider comments are in purple and the ESCC's comments are in green.
Replying to an Action
You can send a message back to ESCC by selecting the Reply button.
- Type the response into the Comments box.
- Select the team from the Assign To drop-down list.
- Select Submit.
This section shows you how to agree your 4 weekly payment schedule on the Provider Portal. This must be done in conjunction with the East Sussex County Council Payment Schedule for care homes. It includes the deadlines for each payment period, so it is important you ensure you have a copy of this.
Scheduled payments
To view scheduled payments:
- Select the Scheduled payments from the homepage.
- Select the period you wish to view by clicking on the date link on the left hand side of the screen.
- To find payments for previous financial years, select the year from the financial year drop-down list.
All payments for the selected year will be listed on your screen.
If you are viewing the current payment period, its status will be 'unconfirmed'.
To agree or reject the payment:
- Select the Confirm or Reject button at the bottom of the page.
- Write any relevant comments in the comments box.
- Click Confirm to save your comment and agree payments.
The payments for the selected time will now have the status as 'confirmed'.
4. Click Reject to save your comment and reject the payment.
Suspended payments
To view suspended payments, select the 'Non-payable' tab on the payment details screen.
Payments will have a 'suspended' status if the amount is more than the contracted provision for that client. Follow the guidance to submit an action to request a variation.
Viewing remittance advice
- Select Reports.
- Select either
- Remittance Advice Provider Payments by finalisation which will provide details of payments based on the date they were paid or
- Remittance Advice Provider Payments by Period which will provide details of payments based on the date the service was provided.
- The 4-weekly payment period will always default to the most recent available. If necessary, you can amend this by selecting the period in the drop-down list.
Note: All historical remittance advices remain on the portal. You can view these at any time. -
Select View to display the remittance report or Download Data to save it to your computer.
Organisation details
Your organisation details held by ESCC are your correspondence details. These can be viewed through the portal, but any changes should be communicated through the usual process and not amended directly on the portal.
Viewing organisation details
- Select the Organisation details link on the homepage.
- The Organisation details page is displayed showing the existing details.
Provider contacts
You may only access the portal when you are listed as a Contact and subsequently given access to the Provider Portal by East Sussex County Council’s Systems Team.
Viewing contact details
- Select the Contacts link on the homepage.
- The Contact page is displayed with the existing contacts listed on the left. Select the name of a contact to view their details.
Resetting your password
- Click on the Forgotten password link.
- An email is sent to your registered email address.
- Enter the code from the email in the Code box. Click Next.
- Enter a new password. Confirm the new password. Click Finish.
- The password reset confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.
- You can now log into the Provider Portal.
Logging out of the provider portal
You can log out of the Provider Portal by selecting Log out, either on the homepage or the menu tab.