Extra information for care home providers

Individual Service Agreement (ISA) pdf

The Individual Service Agreement (ISA) is the contract document forming the agreement between East Sussex County Council and the provider for the named client’s care.

Note: Payments for care are not calculated and will not be included in the Residential Payment Schedule until the ISA has been agreed.

Reviewing published ISAs

  1. Select Contract Documents.
  2. The Contract Documents screen is then displayed. The filters are set to automatically show published These are the documents you need to action.
  3. The date is populated with the first of the month. To ensure you are viewing all published ISAs, delete the Updated Since date and select View.
  4. Select the Individual Service Agreement.
  5. You will be given the option to open or save the ISA document. Select Save to save a copy of the document to your computer. Select Open to view the ISA on screen.
  6. The ISA will open as a PDF document.

Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view the ISA.

Agreeing published ISAs

  1. If the ISA is correct, select Agree.
  2. The Agree Document – Individual Service Agreement screen opens. Enter your password (this is the same password you use to log into the Provider Portal). Select Agree or Cancel if you do not want to proceed.
  • Note: Once you select ‘Agree’ you cannot reverse the action. Please make sure you have checked the ISA document and are completely satisfied that the details are correct.

  1. Select Contract Documents.
  2. The Contract Documents screen is then displayed. The filters are set to automatically show as 'published'. These are the documents you need to action.
  3. The date is populated with the first of the month. To ensure you are viewing all published ISAs, delete the Updated Since date and select View.
  4. Select the Individual Service Agreement link.
  5. You will be given the option to open or save the ISA document. Select Save to save a copy of the document to your computer. Select Open to view the ISA on your screen.
  6. The ISA will open as a PDF document. Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view the ISA.
  7. Check all the information contained within the ISA. To close the document, select the X in the top right-hand corner and return to the portal.

Rejecting an ISA

If any of the information on the ISA is incorrect, you can reject the ISA.

  1. Select Reject and type the reason you are rejecting the ISA in the Rejection Reason.
  2. Enter your password (this is the same password you use to log into the Provider Portal).
  3. Select Reject or select Cancel if you do not want to proceed.

Viewing all ISAs

The most recent ISA for each client stays on the portal and can be viewed at any time when you are logged in.

  1. Select Contract Documents.
  2. You can remove all filters and select View to show all of your ISAs.
  3. You can filter the list by selecting options from the drop-down lists and selecting View to refresh the results.

    a) Filter by Status:

    • Published: Awaiting your checking and approval

    • Agreed: Agreed by you and no further action needed

    • Rejected: Sent back to ESCC as you have rejected the ISA

        b)  Filter by Client.

Actions: Sending a query to ESCC

An Action is your way of securely communicating information with ESCC in connection with a client and their care package.

For example, you can submit Actions to notify ESCC of:

  • the death of a client
  • a client leaving your home
  • temporary absence, for example going into hospital
  • changes to care package dates
  • queries about the rate but only for cases where you have yet to agree the ISA

Note: If your query is a request for an increase in the rate due to a client’s needs changing over time, you should contact the care manager directly to request a formal review of the client.

Care package line items

Use this method if the Action relates to a client or Care Package Line Items (CPLIs) already on the portal.

  1. Select Care Package Line Items.
  2. Select View to display all care packages.

    Note: If the care package has an end date more than 28 days in the past, you will need to tick the Include Historical box.

  3. Select the Submit Action button next to the relevant Care Package Line Item.

  4. The New Action will automatically fill in some of the required information. Please complete the following fields:
    • Type: select the relevant type from the drop-down list
    • Assign to: select ASC Service Agreement Team
    • Title: enter a suitable title, for example ‘Hospital admission’ or ‘Client deceased’
    • Text: add extra information that you want to send to ESCC
  5. Select Create Action to continue or the Cancel button to abandon the Action.

Actions and change requests

Use this method if the Action relates to a client or CPLI and is not yet showing on the portal.

  1. Select Actions and Change Requests.
  2. Select New Action.
  3. The New Action page is displayed.
  • Select the relevant Action type from the Type drop-down list.
  • The Related To field will automatically populate.
  • Entity will automatically populate.
  • Select ASC Service Agreement Team in the Assign To options.
  • Enter a suitable heading in the Title box, for example ‘Hospital admission’, or ‘Client deceased’.
  • In the Text box, add the information you want to send to ESCC.
    Please be concise in what you record. Where it is a complex issue, please include a contact name and number for us to contact so that we can start to resolve your query.
  • Select the Create Action button to continue or the Cancel button to abandon the action.

Viewing the payment schedule

  1. Select Reports.
  2. Select Residential Payment Schedule.

    The payment period will always default to the most recent available. If necessary, you can amend this by selecting the period from the drop-down list. If you have missed the payment deadline, please select the next period which will include the missed payments as well as the current payments.

    Note: All historical schedules remain on the portal. You can view these at any time.

    1. Select View to open the payment schedule.
      • Pending Scheduled Payments are payments that have not yet been paid to you.
      • Scheduled Payments are payments that have already been paid to you.

    Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side to view the full payment schedule.

Submitting a payment schedule action – confirm or reject payment

You need to either:

  • submit an Action confirming your payment.
  • submit an Action rejecting your payment with supporting reason(s) in the comments field.

This must be completed, according to the dates on the separate document supplied for this financial year: East Sussex County Council Payment Schedule for care homes.

  1. From the homepage select Scheduled Payments.
  2. Choose the relevant financial year from the drop-down list and the contract if you have multiple contracts with ESCC.

    Note: If you have not confirmed the previous payment period(s) these will close on the scheduled period end date and all payments will be carried forward into the next period.

  3. Select the current payment period.
    Note: If you have not confirmed the previous payment period(s) these will close on the scheduled period end date and all payments will be carried forward into the next period.

  4. Review payments and select confirm/reject.
    Note: All payments will be shown net of client contribution. If you require a detailed breakdown including client contribution, please refer to the Residential Payment Schedule Report.

To confirm payments for the period, select the Confirm button.

The status of the schedule will change to confirmed and payment will be made on the payment date as detailed in the East Sussex County Council Payment Schedule for care homes document.

To reject payments, select the Reject button and supply a reason in the comments box. This will then be reviewed by the ContrOCC Payments team.

Appendix 1: ESCC payment schedule for care homes

The East Sussex County Council Payment Schedule for care homes, covering the full financial year, is a separate document sent to you each financial year. You will need to refer to the payment schedule alongside this portal guide. The payments page on the provider section of the website contains the payment schedules for this financial year.

If payment details are correct

  1. Schedule available on Portal: Provider to check the payment schedule from this date, or as soon as possible. If all information is correct at this point, you can agree the payment.
  2. Provider to agree schedule by: This is the latest date to agree payment, but ESCC encourage providers to agree ASAP, as step 1 above.
  3. ESCC to pay schedule by: The council will authorise the payment schedule on this date providing that the provider has submitted an action agreeing the payment. If the provider does not agree the payment by this date, the payment schedule will not be authorised and will be carried forward into the next 4-weekly payment period.
  4. Provider to receive payment by: Where the provider has agreed the payment within deadline, the council will then ensure the provider is paid by this date.

If payment details are incorrect

  1. Schedule available on Portal: Provider to check payment schedule from this date.
  2. Provider to submit corrections by: For simple client changes in circumstances, such as a death, temporary absence or home discharge, submit an action against each client (Care Line Package Item) which must be submitted by the final deadline date. The council will complete the actions in time for you to agree the schedule by the last date possible. Please note the following:
    • As the provider should submit client changes within 48 hours of the event happening, this should mean, by this stage there should be fewer actions to submit.
    • New ISAs (includes emergency placements) recently agreed before the payment period ends may not be paid in this payment schedule but will be reflected in the next payment period.
  3. Provider to agree schedule by: Provider to check the payment schedule again and to agree the payment schedule by the latest deadline. The client change actions will now be reflected in the payment schedule ready to approve.
  4. ESCC to pay schedule by: The council will agree the payment schedule as soon as the provider has done action (3) or by the latest date to pay the schedule by. If the provider does not agree the payment by the last date – the payment maybe deferred.
  5. Provider to receive payment by: Where the provider has agreed the payment, the council will then ensure the provider is paid by this date.