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Providers and professionals

Apply for adult social care training
We offer training and qualifications for people who provide care and support for adults, including carers.
A guide for personal assistants
A useful guide to working as a personal assistant in social care.
Contracts and purchasing
Provider portal, accounts and contract queries for adult social care providers.
Safeguarding resources
Safeguarding resources for professionals.
Developing and funding social care support services
Information for social care providers on market opportunities, forums, funding reform and communications.
Public health
Information for GP practices and pharmacies including PHLSAs.
SingleView is a system which allows professionals with a login to view basic information about Early Help and social care involvement.
Order adult social care leaflets
How to order hard copies of adult social care leaflets.
Health and social care news
Joining up health and social care in East Sussex.
Research governance for social care
How to apply for research governance approval
Market position statement
2024 to 2025 market position statement
Guidance for care providers on overseas recruitment
Information about Health and Care Worker Visas