Active travel
Physically active modes such as cycling, walking, wheeling or horse riding. It also includes walking or cycling as part of a longer journey.
Air Quality Management Area (AQMA)
An area where it is unlikely that the national air quality objectives, as set by DEFRA, will be achieved.
Car dependency
Reliance on cars to get around, whether through habit, because street environments have been planned around car use, or because walking, cycling and public transport alternatives are not available or appealing.
Carbon footprint
The total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organisation, event or product, expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent.
Clinical Commissioning Group
Responsible for implementing the commissioning roles as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
Community transport
A form of typically demand responsive transport that is typically volunteer-led and focused on vulnerable and isolated people. Sometimes takes the form of fixed route services where conventional bus services are needed but not available.
Distribution Network Operator (DNO)
Distribution Network Operator, a company licenced to distribute electricity in the UK.
Digital demand responsive travel (DDRT)
A form of transport where vehicles alter their routes based on particular transport demand rather than using a fixed route or timetable.
Electric vehicle
A vehicle that uses an electric motor for propulsion, comprising ones that run solely on batteries, as well as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles that have an attached petrol or diesel engine to power the battery engine.
Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA)
A process designed to ensure that a policy, project or scheme does not discriminate against any disadvantaged or vulnerable people.
Greenhouse gas
A gas which absorbs solar radiation contributing to the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming and climate change.
Heavy goods vehicle (HGV)
A large heavy vehicle generally used for transporting freight.
Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
A series of procedures by which the impact of an intervention or policy may have on the health of a population is measured.
The whole or part of a public right of passage, often in reference to a road but also including pavements / footpaths, cycle routes, bridges, tunnels and other adjoining assets.
Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)
Assesses whether plans will have the potential to cause an impact on protected areas.
Killed or seriously injured (KSI)
A standard metric used to measure levels of road safety.
Local Cycle and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
A long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks over a ten-year period.
Light rail
A form of urban rail transport which operates at a higher capacity to a tramway, often on an exclusive right of way, and serving parts of a large metropolitan area.
Local Authority
A local council organisation. In England there may be either one or two tiers of local government. A two-tier structure includes a County Council as the upper tier and a District Council as the lower tier. Local Authority responsibilities include strategic land use planning, and highways and transport.
Local Plan
A statutory planning document which sets out the vision and framework for future development within a local planning authority area. It addresses housing, economy, community and infrastructure and is used as a tool to guide decisions about development proposals.
Local Transport Plan (LTP)
Local Transport Plan, a statutory document which sets out the objectives and programme for improving the transport network.
Mass transit
A form of public transport to satisfy higher potential trip demand, featuring limited stops, high capacity and attractive, reliable journey times. It is usually rail based, such as trams or light rail above ground, or underground trains.
Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS)
Mobility as a Service, a shift away from privately owned vehicles towards a model where different transport modes are consumed as an on-demand service through a single (online) platform. For example, the concept of paying for a weekly travel pass that includes bike hire, car hire, bus and train travel.
Mobility hub / travel interchange
A place of transport interchange providing easy access to the wider transport network with cycle parking, taxi call points and access to car club vehicles, drop off points and (at larger locations) park and ride facilities.
Mode share
The relative use of each mode of transport.
Mode shift / modal shift
A percentage change in the use of different transport modes. When one transport mode becomes more advantageous than another over the same route or market, a mode shift is likely to take place.
Major Road Network (MRN)
A classification of Local Authority roads in England.
Multi-modal/multi-operator ticketing
Multi-modal ticketing is being able to use the same ticket or ticketing system across different modes of transport, e.g. on a bus and then on a train. Multi-operator ticketing is being able to use the same ticket across different transport operators, not necessarily across different modes, e.g. on a Stagecoach bus and then on a First bus.
A generic term for the nitrogen oxides that are most relevant for air pollution, namely nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂). NOx gases are produced during the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in diesel and petrol-powered vehicles. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, NOx can be a significant source of air pollution.
Park and Ride
A system for reducing urban traffic congestion, in which drivers leave their cars in car parks on the outskirts of a city and travel to the city centre on public transport.
Particulate matter (PM)
A complex mixture of small material and liquid droplets which have the potential to cause significant health issues.
Public Health England (PHE)
The body responsible for protecting the nation's health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities.
Public realm
Publicly accessible space between and within buildings, including streets, squares, forecourts, parks and open spaces.
Public transport
Shared transport such as bus and train. It can also include the funicular railways in Hastings, where and if appropriate.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
A decision support process which ensures that environmental and sustainability aspects are considered effectively in policy, plan and program making.
Strategic road network (SRN)
Motorways and the most significant trunk roads in end and, which are managed by Highways England.
Sustainable transport
Forms of transport which have lower environmental impact than single occupancy car use. It includes walking, cycling, public transport, Park and Ride, and car-sharing.
Transport decarbonisation
The process of reducing, and ultimately removing, greenhouse gas emissions produced as a by-product of transport infrastructure and operations.
Transport for London (TFL)
The body in charge of delivering transport services in Greater London.
Transport for the South East (TfSE)
The regional sub-national transport body for the south east.
Travel interchange / Mobility hub
A place of transport interchange providing easy access to the wider transport network with cycle parking, taxi call points and access to car club vehicles, drop off points and (at larger locations) park and ride facilities.
Travel Plan
A strategy that an organisation or development has to meet the travel needs of the site it is developed for, particularly to minimise single occupancy travel and maximise the use of sustainable modes. It involves ongoing and continuous implementation of initiatives and measures as well as constant monitoring.
A one-way movement from one place to another to achieve a single main purpose. Trips may be further sub-divided into journey stages.
Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle
Vehicles that use low carbon technologies, fuelled by electricity or hydrogen, to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted. They commonly have rechargeable batteries which are used to store energy.
Vision Zero
An approach to road danger reduction that works towards the elimination of road traffic deaths and serious injuries by reducing the dominance of motor vehicles.
Using a wheelchair or mobility scooter to get around as opposed to walking or cycling.