1. Foreword

Foreword to East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4

We are pleased to introduce East Sussex’s fourth Local Transport Plan (LTP4) 2024 - 2050.

The LTP4 strategy embraced a co-development approach with a range of stakeholders. It is underpinned by a robust evidence base and pursues an ambitious vision for the future focussed on ‘planning for people and places’. It sets out the future direction for planning and providing the transport infrastructure, services and policy framework needed to achieve net zero targets, healthy places and support for a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable economy within coastal towns, local centres and villages in more rural areas of the county.

This plan has been developed with stakeholders across the county, from elected members, council officers and local planning authorities, seniors and young people, schools, and groups representing protected characteristic groups to transport operators, business representatives, and community transport partnerships. This broad and extensive engagement has resulted in a plan that reflects the transport aspirations of local residents, communities and businesses and will foster further partnership working with key stakeholders to help bring forward future transport schemes.

This plan is coming forward during a time of great change and challenge. Nationally, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered people’s travel habits, and public services are under great financial strain. There is a cost-of-living crisis and a climate emergency that continues to impact all of our lives.

East Sussex is home to densely populated urban centres along its coast, local centres and large rural areas. Transport enhancements in all these areas are vital for the achievement of our goals, but it is recognised that people in rural and urban communities need different things from the transport network. The plan therefore contains measures which are tailored to the different local contexts.

We also have an ageing population and people with physical and hidden disabilities - the plan will ensure that transport infrastructure and services and the public realm are accessible and that community amenities are made available to enable healthy ageing.

The plan answers to the challenges faced are to:

  • Maintain existing transport networks for all users.
  • Improve the convenience, comfort and cost of public transport, and enhance walking, wheeling and cycling facilities to provide people with greater choice when they travel.
  • Plan places so that people are brought closer to the shops, schools, and jobs that they want to get to, reducing the need to travel long distances.
  • Support the use of zero and low emissions vehicles, reducing transport’s carbon footprint.

To demonstrate the ambition to deliver the strategy, the Investment Plan sets out the type of schemes, and the funding, timescales, governance, and partnership working required.

Implementing such an ambitious plan will have its challenges, but we owe it to future generations to develop a transport system that minimises carbon impacts, is inclusive and supports a prosperous East Sussex.

Councillor Dowling - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Rupert Clubb - Director of Communities, Economy and Transport