How we decide

All requests for road safety improvements are assessed by our Road Safety Team. Significant issues will be investigated in more detail using national legislation and guidance, as well as our own policies and working practices.

If we can improve safety by making minor changes, for example cutting back vegetation or renewing existing road markings, this will be carried out as part of our highways maintenance programme. You can contact East Sussex Highways to report issues such as faded road markings, damaged traffic signs and overhanging vegetation.

The more complex improvements, such as traffic calming schemes, pedestrian crossings and cycle lanes undergo a scoring process which looks at:

  • crash and casualty data
  • benefits to the local community such as improving pedestrian links between housing and local shopping areas, traffic congestion and air quality
  • location within a priority area such as Eastbourne/Hailsham/Polegate
  • scale of impact

Requests that meet the required score are further assessed and if they continue to score highly will be considered by the Lead Member against our budget for the next financial year.

See: before you contact us

Approved works

A list of requests for road safety improvements that have been approved or approved for further assessment will be published on this website and updated every six months. See the PDF:

Road Safety - Approved Works and Assessments [143.1 KB] [pdf]

The next update will be published in October 2024.

Helping your community with funding – Community Match

Where possible, we may be able to match funding provided by communities, to support road safety improvements. Applications can be made by Parish Councils or Residents Associations and other local groups, with support from the Local County Council Member. There is a £500 fee for a feasibility study before funding is agreed.

See the website: Community Match Funding – East Sussex Highways.

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