Bollards, verge posts and railings

We receive many requests to install physical features to prevent driving or parking in unsuitable places. Bollards or railings at the side of the road do not provide protection for pedestrians and buildings from vehicles mounting the pavement. Railings can have a negative effect on safety if not used appropriately, as pedestrians and cyclists can become trapped between a vehicle and the railing.

Parking on verges can cause damage, but we do not have the resources to fund posts or bollards. Instead of solving a problem, drivers may continue to park along the same stretch of road, but potentially in a more dangerous place.

Bollards are frequently knocked over and maintenance costs are high. Some town or parish councils or borough councils may decide to fund verge posts, which must be licensed prior to installation on the public highway.

Hazard marker (also known as reflector) posts are used to alert road users to hazards and are not suitable as a parking deterrent.

Parking matters within Lewes, Eastbourne, Hastings and Rother should be directed to the Parking Team.

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