Renew your loans

The easiest way to renew your loans is online.

How to renew online

Use your library card and PIN to renew books and other loans up to 5 times online. To renew your loans:

  • Sign in to your library account.
  • You’ll be taken to My account: dashboard.
  • Click ‘Current loans’ on the left hand of the screen.
    • To renew individual loans tick the box beside each loan you want to renew, then click ‘Renew selections’.
    • To renew all your current loans click ‘Renew all’.
  • Your list of loans will be updated. Please make a note of the new due date for each loan.
  • Some renewals may not be successful. The reason for this will be displayed in the status column.

Note: ‘Current loans’ includes anything you have which is overdue. Any overdue items will also be listed separately under an alert at the top of the My account: dashboard.

You cannot renew DVDs, titles reserved by other library members.

At your local library

Find your local library opening times. If you wish to speak to a member of staff, please call 0345 60 80 196

Renewal charges and fines

Please take care when renewing. Your titles will be renewed immediately when you click the ‘Renew’ button and any relevant charges added onto your account. This may include hire charges for audiobooks and overdue charges for late loans. These charges cannot be refunded and should be paid on your next visit to the library.

Any outstanding fines and charges will be listed under an alert that appears on the My account: dashboard. You can pay by cash, cheque or credit card.

Renewing titles from libraries outside East Sussex

To renew titles borrowed from libraries outside East Sussex, or check limits on these loans, please contact your local library.

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