Return a Blue Badge
You must return a Blue Badge if any of the following happen:
- Your badge has expired.
- Your condition has improved and you no longer need the badge.
- If you inform us that your badge is lost or was stolen, we will cancel the badge. If you find the badge afterwards, you must return it. Do not attempt to use a badge that’s been reported lost or stolen. Cancelled badges are reported to the police and parking services.
- The badge holder dies.
Please return your badge by post to:
Blue Badge Team
East Sussex County Council
3rd floor, St Mary’s House
52 St Leonard’s Road
Eastbourne BN21 3UU
If you continue to use a Blue Badge when you are no longer eligible, you may be prosecuted and fined.
Change of address
If you have moved, you only need to tell us your new address so we can update our records. You do not need to return your badge.
You can also write to us at the address above.
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