Apply for travel assistance for 5-16s with SEND and an EHC plan
Your 5-16-year-old could get travel assistance if:
- their school is beyond the statutory distance or they cannot walk in reasonable safety
- you have a medical reason that stops you from taking them
- your child has an EHC plan and cannot walk due to their SEND or mobility problem
- you are on a low income
This helps them get to and from school:
- on public transport, like a bus or train
- on hired transport, like a taxi or coach
- with a payment to support a parent or carer taking them
We’ll look at their needs and provide the most suitable transport for them.
See our travel assistance policies
To get assistance, they should go to the nearest suitable school. This will be the one on their EHC plan.
If you choose a different school, we may not be able to help.
Before you apply, check what support we can provide: