Skills Capital Fund - Hastings and Rother

Fund now closed to applications.

Skills Capital funding grant award announcement 

Under the previous Government, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) awarded funding to Hastings Borough Council and Rother District Council. This funding is to be used in Hastings and Rother for capital projects for:

  • Improving access to health and wellbeing services and supporting voluntary sector
  • Improving transport infrastructure
  • Promoting economic growth and skills development

The Skills Capital Fund forms part of this funding allocation. This part of the funding is being overseen by the Employability and Skills team at East Sussex County Council, who have strategic oversight of employment and skills activity in the county.

Fund guidance notes for each area can be found below:

All application forms must be sent to by midday on Friday 6th September 2024.

Any questions must be received via by 9am on Tuesday 13th August 2024.