Developing employment and skills through social value
Social value
Social value became a legal requirement through the Public Services Act in 2012. This requires suppliers to local authorities to offer wider benefits linked to their contract, called social value. Broadly these benefits can include supporting the local economy, the local environment and offering help to local community groups.
As regards the 'local economy' such social value can mean offering employment and training to local people, doing careers talks in local schools and supporting local businesses.
Supporting suppliers (employers) to support local employment and skills through social value
Suppliers who wish to offer support to the local economy as part of their social value, can contact Skills East Sussex for support and information.
The East Sussex Market Place
The County Council has developed a portal called the East Sussex Social Value Market Place. This enables local organisations such as charities and community groups to post up requests for help from suppliers. Such help can mean spare building materials or suggestions for voluntary work. Likewise suppliers or employers can post up items or time they can donate which can be picked up local groups.
Examples of social value being delivered in East Sussex schools
The following case study is an example of employers who had social value commitments working in schools.
- Ninfield Primary School case study, 2018 to 2019 [246.7 KB] [pdf]