Asset management
We have developed a medium-term plan to make sure that our land and buildings are being used effectively and efficiently.
By successfully managing our property assets, we aim to improve how:
- buildings enhance our service delivery
- people can access our buildings
- we maintain our buildings
- we buy new property or land
- we sell our existing property or land
To find out more, see our Strategic Asset Plan.
Construction and maintenance
The Construction and Maintenance Team are responsible for the design and construction of new buildings, and the maintenance and adaptation of existing Council property.
Maintenance is planned and carried out in response to problems reported by site users. For more information see our East Sussex County Council’s Property Policies Pack – Building Maintenance Strategy.
Estates management
The Estates Team are responsible for promoting best practice in the use and occupation of the Council’s property through:
- development and regeneration schemes
- purchase and sale of land and premises
- rent reviews, lease renewals and valuations
Contact us
- For property or estates queries – email the Estates Team.
- To report a Council property requiring repair or maintenance – email the Property Help Desk.