Property for sale or rent

Properties for rent

Unit 4 Pacific House, Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park, Eastbourne [2.1 MB] [pdf]

Unit 10 Pacific House, Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park, Eastbourne [2.1 MB] [pdf]

Unit 14b Pacific House, Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park, Eastbourne [2.4 MB] [pdf]

Unit 18b Pacific House, Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park, Eastbourne [2.1 MB] [pdf]

Suite 1 Sackville House, Lewes UNDER OFFER [584.9 KB] [pdf]

Suite 2 Sackville House, Lewes UNDER OFFER [526.0 KB] [pdf]

First Floor West, Sackville House, Lewes [567.8 KB] [pdf]

Properties for sale

Hye House Farm, Crowhurst UNDER OFFER [3.7 MB] [pdf]

Former Broad Oak Primary School, Broad Oak, Heathfield [1.6 MB] [pdf]

Should you have any questions about any of the premises in this list, please contact the Estates Team at

Information regarding 'Assets of Community Value' and 'Community Right to Bid' is available on each of the District and Borough Council's websites. To see a list of registered assets and information relating to this topic, please follow the below links to the relevant Council's website

Assets of Community Value - Wealden District Council

Assets of Community Value - Lewes and Eastbourne Councils

Assets of Community Value - Rother District Council

Assets of Community Value - Hasting Borough Council