External Audit
External Audit is an annual independent examination designed to form an opinion on the state of the County Council’s financial management and its published annual accounts.
The external auditors provide assurance to residents and councillors that the County Council’s finances are soundly managed and the annual accounts present a true and fair view of the County Council’s income and expenditure assets.
All local authorities are legally obliged to submit their accounts for audit every year.
Our external auditors
Our external audit is carried out by Grant Thornton.
Access to the public
The public have a right to inspect, question and challenge the County Council’s accounts.
For further information on how you can do this, see the Public Sector Audit Appointments website or contact our external auditor.
Contact details
External Audit Engagement Lead
Joanne E Brown
Partner, Audit - Public Sector
Grant Thornton UK LLP
Email: joanne.e.brown@uk.gt.com
Phone: 0141 223 0848
Further information
Information on our external auditors