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Support to stay at home

Meals in your home
Find out if you are eligible to get help with the cost of a ‘meals on wheels’ service.
Care in your home
Find out about care in your home support and if you are eligible to get help towards the costs.
Help to use or move around your home
How adaptations can be made to your home to help you get around.
Equipment to help at home
Find out about equipment to help you to stay independent at home.
Technology enabled care
Get lifeline, alarms, sensors and key safes installed to help keep you safe at home.
Mobility and daily living skills
Get help to regain your strength and mobility through our rehabilitation service.
Care choices directory
Search for registered care homes and care providers in the East Sussex area.
Help with housing issues
Get help with housing issues such as unsuitable accommodation, repairs, landlords and money worries.
Keep warm and well
Our warm home check service offers advice and support if you struggle to keep warm at home.
Request a home safety visit - Fire and Rescue Service
Find out how to get a home safety visit or phone call.