Working with an Adult Social Care client

If a person is eligible, they may get help towards the cost of receiving care and support within their home.

Find out more: Paying for care at home

Teams in Adult Social Care

A range of teams in Adult Social Care support people with care and support needs in East Sussex:

  • Neighbourhood Support Teams: assess people’s care needs and arrange support. A social worker from this team may arrange a PA on behalf of the client.
  • Occupational therapists: can assess whether a client’s home is safe and recommend adjustments.
  • Mental health teams: support clients with mental health difficulties, including dementia and substance misuse. This may include help with housing and the legal system.
  • Learning disabilities team: provide support tailored for clients with a learning disability. They can also help find suitable housing.
  • Direct payments team: provide support to clients who using their direct payment funding to buy home or day care and choose to have an account managed by the council.
  • Health and Social Care Connect (HSCC): is our contact centre for Adult Social Care, open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. See: Contact Adult Social Care

If you are a PA supporting one of our clients, you are likely to have contact with one of these teams. For example, when setting up care arrangements or informing them that a client’s care needs have changed.

Clients who receive direct payments

Many clients pay for their services using direct payments. This is a budget which Adult Social Care gives the client so they can organise and buy their own care and support.

You can find out more about how clients use direct payments to employ a PA in our guide: Direct payments.

Independent Lives is the council’s commissioned direct payment support service to support clients who have a PA.

Adult Social Care leaflets and factsheets 

Our leaflets and factsheets may be useful to share with the clients you support: Leaflets and factsheets