East Sussex mental health directory

People in crisis and suicide prevention

Feeling unable to cope, worried you may hurt yourself or somebody else and/or experiencing suicidal feelings?

For immediate help

If your life - or someone else's life - is in immediate danger, please call 999 or go to A&E.

For same or next day help

You can get support with your mental health in different ways depending on what you prefer. All services are free.

Phone 111 and chose 'mental health' (free phone 24/7)

If you or someone else is experiencing a mental health crisis, the NHS 111 'mental health option' is there to offer support and get help if needed.

For callers whose first language is not English, a telephone interpreter can be arranged for other community languages, by phoning the helpline and letting them know the language needed.

During busy periods, you may need to wait for someone to answer your call. 

Visit a Staying Well crisis café

Staying Well provides a support service for adults over 18 experiencing distress due to their mental health, during evenings and weekends when other support may be unavailable. 

Phone 0800 023 6475 and choose option 1 for Eastbourne, or 2 for Hastings St Leonards, or use the Staying Well website for further information on opening times. 

Text Shout Sussex service

By texting the word SUSSEX to 85258, you can access a free, confidential, 24/7 service and have a text conversation with a trained volunteer. The volunteers offer real-time support if you are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed, and can signpost to local services. You may prefer this to speaking on the phone. 

Call the Samaritans

Phone 116 123 (24/7) or visit the Samaritans website.

Download the Stay Alive App 

This is a suicide prevention resource full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.

For urgent mental health support

Call 999 or go to A&E if you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe. A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one.

Two East Sussex hospitals have an A&E department.

  • Conquest Hospital – The Ridge, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 7RD
  • Eastbourne District General Hospital – Kings Drive, Eastbourne, BN21 2UD

For those living on the edge of the county:

  • Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 5BE
  • Princess Royal Hospital, Lewes Rd, Haywards Heath RH16 4EX

Please consider whether your GP, other support services or the NHS 111 Mental Health option can help, before travelling to A&E.

If you have a care plan and crisis card from Sussex Partnership mental health services, these will include details of who you should contact in a crisis. If you can’t find your care plan, contact your community team during the day – 9am to 5pm – from Monday to Friday. Ask for your care coordinator or the person on duty.

Experiencing a significant change in your mental health?

You should call NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online for advice if you - or the person you are concerned about - experience a significant change in your mental health and are not already receiving care from mental health services. 

This might include:

  • Hearing or seeing things that are not experienced by other people, for example hearing voices
  • Having strong beliefs that are not shared by others, for example believing there is a conspiracy against you
  • Having excessive energy or movements, sleeping very little
  • Behaving in a bizarre and out of character way
  • Changes in behaviour like wanting to avoid people, lack of basic self-care.

Whilst these can be normal experiences, they can also be signs of something more serious. 

Further information on mental health services

Other suicide prevention services

Sussex Partnership NHS Trust Urgent Help Advice

Preventing suicide in Sussex

Advice for people who may be at risk of suicide and their friends and family, on warning signs and how to seek help.

‘Warning Signs’ is a suicide prevention campaign targeting East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove, specifically aiming to support the reduction of annual suicide amongst men in Sussex.

Grassroots Suicide Prevention

Work with communities, organisations, services and individuals to help them to become ready, willing and able to effectively support someone at risk of suicide.

Available in Brighton & Hove with advice for all.

Support for Survivors of Suicide (SSOS)

For those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or who have attempted suicide. Assessments and counselling services can be offered via phone or video call. Support is also provided if you have lost someone to suicide.


Mankind was set up in 2020 by Eastbourne friends to help support men who have mental health worries, or just need someone to talk to without judgement. Weekly groups in Eastbourne and Heathfield.

Counselling partnership

Free to access, timely support for those who are currently at risk of taking their own life, or who have attempted suicide. Support is also offered to people bereaved by suicide.


Based in Sidley Bexhill, but with other free running groups in Hastings Ore. RunningSpace promotes life and good mental health through small friendly groups. No running experience necessary, all faiths / no faith welcome.

National services

  • Papyrus suicide prevention service for under 35s offering free confidential support, a 24/7 Hopeline 0800 064141, chat line and practical advice.
  • Zero Suicide Alliance is committed to suicide prevention and offers free training and resources.

If you have been affected by suicide

National Support

Public Health England and the Suicide Prevention Alliance have produced Help is at Hand for people bereaved by suicide or other sudden, traumatic death.

Suicide&Co supports people bereaved by suicide, with a helpline run by bereavement counsellors.

Sussex Bereaved by suicide support

Triage and support for anyone bereaved by suicide in Sussex, delivered by Cruse across Sussex.

East Sussex Support for people bereaved by suicide

A service for people whose loved one has died as a result of suicide, offering practical and emotional support.

If you have been affected by witnessing a suicide

Firsthand is a new resource to support and advise people who are impacted by the suicide of someone they don't know.

Worried about money, housing or another issue that is affecting your mental health?

There are lots of ways you can get practical help with issues that may be affecting your mental health.

  • Money worries and cost of living support

Cost of living support | East Sussex County Council

  • Help with housing

Housing | East Sussex County Council

  • Support for people affected by domestic abuse

Domestic abuse | East Sussex County Council

  • Drug and alcohol recovery support

Addiction services | East Sussex County Council

Social Prescribing service at your GP surgery

Social Prescribers can connect you to support, services and activities to help address the challenges and issues you may be struggling with.  Ask your GP or GP surgery if they have a Social Prescribing service. Waiting times differ between GP surgeries. 

Other Mental Health services in East Sussex

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