Domestic abuse

Phone lines issue for Clarion

If you contact one of our local phone numbers and don't get through, please contact Clarion on 07517 549 499.

Local helplines

  • East Sussex: 0300 323 9985
  • Eastbourne: 01323 417 598 
  • Hastings: 01424 716 629

For further help and advice, visit:

This service is provided by 'Change Grow Live', a voluntary sector organisation.

Refuge accommodation

Clarion Housing Association provides safe refuge accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence in East Sussex. If you need to flee domestic abuse:

  • call the free 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline on: 0808 2000 247 or 07517 549499
  • email Clarion at

    Please include a safe contact number or email address. State the best time to contact you. A member of the refuge team will call you back.

Concerns for a child

If you believe a child is at risk of harm due to domestic abuse, please see Report a concern about a child or a teenager


If there’s an immediate risk to someone’s safety, please call 999.

How to make a silent 999 call - Sussex Police


Resources for professionals working with families affected by domestic violence.

Other local support services

Rape and sexual violence

The Survivors Network provide the specialist rape and sexual violence abuse service for Sussex. You can contact them via their website, or call 01273 203 380.

Stalking and harassment

The specialist stalking advocacy services for Sussex is provided by Veritas Justice. You can contact them via their website, or call 01273 234 773.

Older people experiencing abuse 

Hourglass is a charity that provides support to older adults. It offers both emotional and practical help.

Website: Hourglass (

Telephone: 080 8808 8141

Text (free): 078 6005 2906

Request information under Clare’s Law

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) is often called ‘Clare’s Law’. It is named after Clare Wood and the landmark campaign related to her case. Clare’s Law gives any member of the public the right to ask the police if their partner may pose a risk to them. Under Clare’s Law, a member of the public can also make enquires into the partner of a close friend or family member. Make a DVDS application at Sussex Police.

If you’ve been affected by:

  • domestic abuse
  • stalking 
  • any other crime

You can also visit Safe Space Sussex. It provides an online directory of local victim and witness specialist support services. It also has information about what happens at each stage of the criminal justice system. This helps to ‘demystify’ the process for people when they may be at their most vulnerable.

National support services

Help for women

Women’s Aid provides information on a wide range of issues. These include housing, money, helping your children and legal rights.


Paladin supports those affected by stalking.

  • Telephone: 020 3866 4107

Help for perpetrators of domestic abuse

The Respect service provides confidential advice for perpetrators who want to change their behaviour.

Support for male victims of domestic violence

The Respect organisation also provides confidential advice for male victims of domestic abuse.

Specialised services for minority groups


Galop helps LGBT+ people who have experienced hate crimes, domestic abuse or sexual violence.

  • Website: Galop 
  • Telephone: 0800 999 5428

Asian women 

The Aanchal helpline can help you if English isn’t your first language. Helpline staff can speak to you in different languages. These include English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Tamil, and Bengali.

Black women and girls

HERSANA provides support to black survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Black (Asian and African Caribbean) women

Southall Black Sisters provide guidance and advice to Black (Asian and African Caribbean) women.

(So called) Honour-based abuse

A specialist service providing guidance and advice for victims and survivors of honour-based abuse in the UK.

Polish women

Opoka provides specialist domestic abuse advice to Polish women. They have a helpline, crisis support, advocacy and an outreach service.

  • Website: Opoka
  • Telephone: 0300 365 1700

Deaf women and men

Sign Health provide a specialist domestic abuse service for deaf people across England. They help bring deaf people and their children to safety and empower them to build new lives free of fear. They have:

  • Deaf Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs).
  • Young Peoples Violence Advisors (YPVAs).

Domestic Abuse Service - SignHealth

The UK government also has a British Sign Language video that explains how to get help: Domestic abuse: how to get help - GOV.UK (


What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse happens between people that have a personal connection. For example, partners, ex-partners, or family members. It can consist of violence or it can be controlling, coercive, or threatening behaviour. Domestic abuse can affect anyone over the age of 16. It can affect people of any gender or sexual orientation.

The abuse can include but is not limited to the following:

  • control and isolation
  • psychological and/or emotional abuse
  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse and/or sexual coercion
  • financial or economic abuse
  • harassment and stalking
  • online and digital abuse

The UK government has issued guidance on how to recognise the signs of domestic abuse: Domestic abuse: recognise the signs - GOV.UK (

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