4. Impact Assessment
The analysis of health impacts has focussed on the health determinants likely to be influenced by mobility and transport and as a result, the LTP. The eight pathways mentioned in Section 2- Scoping and Methodology include:
- Health determinant 1: Lifestyle
- Health determinant 2: Access, accessibility, and community severance
- Health determinant 3: Economic health
- Health determinant 4: Safety
- Health determinant 5: Crime
- Health determinant 6: Congestion and stress
- Health determinant 7: Air quality
- Health determinant 8: Noise
These have consequentially been applied to the LTP’s objectives which include the following:
- Deliver safer and accessible journeys
- Support healthier lifestyles and communities
- Decarbonise transport
- Conserve and enhance our local environment
- Support sustainable economic growth
- Strengthen the resilience of our transport networks.
The following pathways have also been applied to the LTP’s themes and related policies:
- Theme A: Tackling climate change and enhancing our local environment
- Theme B: Safer, healthier and more active travel
- Theme C: Make public transport accessible for all
- Theme D: Keeping East Sussex Connected
The health determinate impact presents the likely direct and indirect impacts. These results are presented in the objective and theme sections and considers vulnerable groups and inequalities. Assessments are professional judgements made based on available evidence.
LTP Objectives
Objective 1: Deliver safer and accessible journeys
- Outcome 1.1: Create enhanced and inclusive transport networks for all users.
- Outcome 1.2: Contribute to reducing the number of casualties and collisions on our transport networks.
- Outcome 1.3: Contribute to improving personal safety for all journeys.
- Outcome 1.4: Improve interchange between travel modes.
- Outcome 1.5: Improve access to key local services by all modes.
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Significant beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
By improving both the safety and accessibility of all transport journeys, this will improve confidence levels of East Sussex’s residents, workers, and visitors in using the transport network.
Increasing the proportion of bus/rail journeys in East Sussex will also increase opportunities to exercise, as in the majority of cases these journeys will involve a walk to access the bus stop/railway station. Increasing public transport usage has the potential to reduce inactivity levels across East Sussex. Increasing opportunities for regular exercise will also benefit those with long-term health conditions and other disabilities, who are shown to disproportionately benefit through light exercise.
In vulnerable and disadvantaged communities this will particularly benefit those on lower/limited incomes if policies and schemes improving the affordability of transport are implemented. This will increase travel choices for these individuals and communities, in turn improving opportunities for accessing social/familial care, with social isolation for these groups remaining a key issue. Finally, it will allow communities to access an increased range of food options available to them.
Increasing options for public transport will also facilitate a shift away from private vehicle usage and the health benefits resulting will enable, such as improved air quality and road safety.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Increasing public transport journeys by disadvantaged and vulnerable communities not only requires improving the physical accessibility of services, but also the financial accessibility. An opportunity to further improve likely health impacts resulting from this outcome would be to introduce cheaper public transport tickets to disadvantaged/vulnerable individuals.
A number of the other perceived outcomes resulting from this objective are relatively general in nature. It is recognised that individuals with specific characteristics will disproportionately benefit through improved personal safety in comparison to others. To improve the focus of these priorities the language should be more specific in nature
Objective 2: Support healthier lifestyles and communities
- Outcome 2.1: Increase the proportion of walking, wheeling and cycling journeys.
- Outcome 2.2: Increase active travel and public transport journeys through education, training, travel behaviour change initiatives and information.
- Outcome 2.3: Redesign road space to balance the needs of different road users, including encouraging people to walk, wheel, cycle and use the bus.
- Outcome 2.4: Support reduction of emissions to improve air quality.
- Outcome 2.5: Mitigate noise pollution through technology and design.
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Uncertain effect |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Significant beneficial |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Significant beneficial |
By increasing the proportion of those walking, wheeling, and cycling this provides excellent opportunities to improve activity levels, particularly reducing the number of those who exercise less than 30-minutes per week.
Increasing the proportion of bus/rail journeys in East Sussex will also increase opportunities to exercise, as in the majority of cases these journeys will involve a walk to access the bus stop/railway station. Increasing public transport usage has the potential to reduce inactivity levels across East Sussex. Increasing opportunities for regular exercise will also benefit those with long-term health conditions and other disabilities, who are shown to disproportionately benefit through light exercise.
Reducing vehicle emissions could include both the switch to alternative fuels and electric vehicles (noting concerns over affordability), but additionally and associated noise pollution presents the opportunity to improve the quality of both the built and natural environment.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Evidence from disability advocacy groups has presented specific challenges arising from the redesign of road space. A particular example may include the impact of shared spaces on blind and partially sighted individuals. Consequentially, schemes including the redesign of road space, particularly using uncommon approaches, should incorporate additional levels of stakeholder engagement to identify specific constraints and mitigatory solutions.
Furthermore, new pedestrian and cycle infrastructure should be designed in an inclusive manner and facilitate those who use other forms of mobility aids (such as powered/unpowered wheelchairs, mobility scooters, frames & walking sticks) alongside people using pushchairs/ prams
Taking into consideration different road users, redesigning road space with the people of East Sussex in mind will improve safety and reduce crime levels. Ensuring that implementation of better lighting, surveillance and public realm conditions is considered as part of the LTP will shift the uncertainty on crime and safety towards a positive impact. Economic health will likely benefit as a multiplier of these considerations.
Objective 3: Decarbonise transport
- Outcome 3.1: Increase the proportion of people travelling by walking, wheeling, cycling, public and shared transport.
- Outcome 3.2: Facilitate the uptake of ultra-low and zero-emission vehicles for journeys, through the delivery of supporting infrastructure.
- Outcome 3.3: Work with partners to decarbonise transport and tackle climate change.
- Outcome 3.4: Support clean technologies and fuels that contributes towards the decarbonisation of transport.
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Uncertain effect |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Uncertain effect |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Significant beneficial |
Noise | Slight beneficial |
Reducing the proportion of people travelling by private car, in combination with increasing the proportion of those walking, wheeling, cycling, and using public transport will help increase opportunities to exercise. This will improve activity levels, particularly reducing the number of those who exercise less than 30-minutes per week.
Reducing carbon emissions will include alternative methods of travel including both the shift to electric vehicle usage, as well as use of sustainable fuels. With transport being a major contributor to UK greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonising the network will restore high environmental quality in terms of low pollution levels. Both the built and natural environment are expected to benefit from a reduction in vehicle emissions, as well as an investment in the infrastructure which can help facilitate zero-emission journeys.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
An opportunity to further improve likely health impacts resulting from this outcome would be to introduce cheaper public transport services to those from a disadvantaged background. Additionally, supporting the uptake of electric vehicles (including affordability) and zero-emission journeys through provision of grants to low-income households could encourage more walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport journeys.
A number of the other perceived outcomes resulting from this objective are relatively general in nature. It is recognised that increasing the proportion of active travel users will involve infrastructure changes and will include thorough assessment of vulnerable people to also accommodate for their needs.
Objective 4: Conserve and enhance our local environment
- Outcome 4.1: Conserve and enhance our local and natural environment by mitigating negative impacts of transport design and delivery.
- Outcome 4.2: Enhance and create attractive connected communities and public spaces.
- Outcome 4.3: Support habitat connectivity and increase in biodiversity through the delivery of enhanced and new transport infrastructure and public spaces.
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Uncertain effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Uncertain effect |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Significant beneficial |
Noise | Slight beneficial |
Reducing vehicle emissions could include the switch to alternative fuel and electric vehicles (noting affordability issues) but could also include a reduction in journey dwell times to minimise exhaust emissions and associated noise pollution. This provides an opportunity to enhance the built and natural environment by saving energy and preserving the quality of the area for future generations. Further, conservation of habitats and vulnerable species will help support human and societal needs, as well as stabilise the ecosystem.
Creating attractive community spaces will include linking local communities together by means of transport. Generally, mental health is likely to improve from increased social support and interaction in a pleasant environment, thereby reducing suicide rates and improving wellbeing
Mitigation measures / recommendations
It is recognised that facilitating habitat connectivity effectively may involve minor structural changes to prioritise habitat trails and paths. Early identification of the locations and routes at risk may help mitigate the associated noise and air pollution.
Creating connected and attractive community spaces will not only include developing an aesthetically pleasing environment, it will also involve tailoring the space to meet the needs of a variety of users. An opportunity to maximise the health benefits of the general public would be to conduct community engagement to better understand how spaces are currently used versus how this can be made more sustainable
Objective 5: Support sustainable economic growth
- Outcome 5.1: Facilitate the efficient movement of goods and people.
- Outcome 5.2: Contribute to reducing deprivation and inequality through improved accessibility for all to employment, education and training.
- Outcome 5.3: Attract and retain businesses and a skilled workforce in the county.
- Outcome 5.4: Enhance sustainable access to key visitor and cultural destinations.
- Outcome 5.5: As a Local Highway Authority engage with our Local Planning Authorities to deliver sustainable and well-connected housing and employment growth identified in their Local Plans.
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Uncertain effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Significant beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Slight beneficial |
Improving access will include designated links to reach key employment hubs and educational institutions, in order to reduce the number of people travelling by private car/van and encouraging the shift to more sustainable modes.
Reducing deprivation parallel to supporting housing growth will likely increase the number of employment opportunities available, as well raise income levels. The built environment will be impacted by planned housing schemes, however transport linking new developments is likely to be more technologically advanced, resilient, and deliberate in establishing connections to key focal points.
In turn, this can contribute towards a more skilled workforce with a greater proportion of individuals able to access and afford education and training, thus closing the gap between those in East Sussex who do not have a qualification and the rest of the South East region.
Furthermore, building a robust tourism sector will increase the number of employment opportunities - contributing to multiplier effects such as sustaining the local economy and supporting the quality of the built environment in terms of maintaining amenities and service provision.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Improving access to places of work, schools and training facilities not only requires improving the physical accessibility, but also the financial accessibility. In strengthening businesses and raising housing supply, consideration must be given to those from lower income backgrounds, who may be disproportionately affected by a hike in land value. An opportunity to support access to key services, could include a quota for affordable housing, as well as targeted support to transition individuals into better paid employment.
It must be noted that local, regional and national economies are subject to fluctuations as a result of market changes. To mitigate the effects of this, support could be provided in building contingency plans, as well as factoring in uncertainty into business plans.
Additionally, ensuring vulnerable, disadvantaged and older generations are not limited or ‘left behind’ when integrating the latest technology to support future transport journeys is essential. An opportunity to assimilate people to the latest technology could involve targeted awareness sessions as well as on-site assistance to prevent digital exclusion.
Objective 6: Strengthen the resilience of our transport networks
- Outcome 6.1: Improve journey time reliability for people and businesses.
- Outcome 6.2: Enable transport journeys to be resilient, flexible and adaptable and recover quickly from emergencies and events.
- Outcome 6.3: Improve the condition of highway and other transport infrastructure and assets.
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Uncertain effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
Improving journey time reliability will result in improved punctuality of employees and consistent deliveries, increasing productivity within businesses. Such improvements will also enable people to access key services and reach destinations without delay or disruption.
Building a transport network which is adaptable ensures that the built environment has capacity to handle any adverse change without lasting impacts. Recovering from emergency and events quickly, will likely support the efficiency of the transport network, enable rapid interchange and reduce negative impacts of congestion resulting from delays, consequently improving the quality of the environment.
Improving the condition of highway infrastructure will ensure that journeys are as efficient as possible, whilst also minimising the risk of accidents and ensuring safety. This will likely improve public health outcomes, as access to health-supportive resources such as family/social support and care are increased.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
A number of the perceived outcomes resulting from this objective are relatively general in nature. It is recognised that individuals with specific characteristics will disproportionately benefit through improved personal safety in comparison to others. To improve the focus of these priorities the language should be more specific in nature.
An opportunity to improve journey time reliability could involve real-time travel updates. However, ensuring vulnerable, disadvantaged, and older generations are not limited or ‘left behind’ when integrating the latest technology to create an adaptable network is essential. An opportunity to assimilate people to the latest technology could involve on-site assistance to prevent digital exclusion.
LTP Themes
Theme A: Tackling climate change and enhancing our local environment
Supporting decarbonisation of the transport system and the way in which transport can support, protect, and enhance our natural and built environment.
Policy A1: Reducing emissions
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Significant beneficial |
Noise | Slight beneficial |
Supporting active travel as part of this policy is likely to result in social, physical, and mental health benefits. Modal shift and use of alternative fuels will result in reduced emissions to air, and reduced noise from vehicle traffic.
Mitigation measures / recommendations.
Shifting people towards a decarbonised future will involve monetary challenges which can be mitigated through the provision of grants and loans, which may consequently drive the uncertain impacts on economic health towards a more positive perspective. However, external factors may influence the nature of this impact.
Policy A2: Future zero emission vehicles and infrastructure
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Uncertain effect |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Slight beneficial |
Similar to Policy A1, supporting micro-mobility modes will result in social and mental health benefits. Zero emissions buses and vehicle infrastructure will reduce Nitrogen dioxide emissions, although particulates from tyre wear will remain. There is also a positive effect from reduced vehicle noise.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Installation of safety features as part of zero emission vehicles and better enforcement of safety procedures may shift uncertain impacts on crime and safety towards positivity. However, it is unclear how this will be incorporated as part of clean technologies and infrastructure at present.
Policy A3: Resilience and adaptation
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Uncertain effect |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Significant beneficial |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
Measures including risk management, network maintenance and use of technology, means that infrastructure is more resilient to climate events. It also provides people with better access to information on alternative transport modes in an event, including not travelling. This benefits health and well-being by reducing physical risk (e.g. from flooding) and related anxiety.
Mitigation / Recommendations
None identified
Policy A4: Biodiversity and natural capital
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | No effect |
Economic health | No effect |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
Access to nature has benefits for well-being and mental health.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Ensuring that the benefits of natural capital are maximised will involve identifying active travel routes which are readily available and pose minimal harm to the environment in terms of restoration and maintenance.
Theme B: Safer, healthier and more active travel
The capacity for transport investment to increase public health and individual wellbeing. Schemes include active travel, improved connectivity, placemaking, public space enhancements, behaviour change programmes and mobility hubs.
Policy B1: Healthy Lifestyles
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
This policy promotes active travel and exercise, reduces air pollution, improves safety and public realm, and provides access to opportunities and healthcare. There are physical and mental health benefits from exercise, but also this policy provides opportunities to connect people to each other and nature. There are economic and health benefits from better access to employment, services and healthcare.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
While the impact on congestion, stress and noise is uncertain, the LTP should focus on improving connectivity to key services for rural communities, which may reduce long-distance trips and traffic. In turn, this may reduce the abundance of noise resulting from private travel and relieve the residual implications on stress.
Policy B2: Air quality
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Significant beneficial |
Noise | Slight beneficial |
This policy looks at traffic management for urban areas, reducing need to travel by car, promoting less polluting forms of transport and reducing air pollution. This is likely to improve traffic-related air quality and related respiratory conditions, but also improve safety, connectivity and wellbeing in urban areas.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified
Policy B3: Active travel
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Significant beneficial |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Significant beneficial |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
The policy encourages modal shift, improves safety and public realm. There are potentially significant benefits in relation to connectivity, reducing air pollution, exercise and social well-being.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Policy B4: Improved access to green and blue infrastructure
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | No effect |
Noise | No effect |
The policy seeks to provide enhanced natural environment, consideration of rural crime and access to green/blue spaces. Uptake of active travel is likely to greater, with benefits to physical and mental health and well-being.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Trees and other vegetation reduce air pollution and noise and associated health effects, including respiratory disease, asthma, sleep deprivation, anxiety and annoyance.
Policy B5: Placemaking
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
This policy aims to ensure the public realm is clean, safe, easily navigable and accessible for all. Improving the public realm can encourage modal shift through increased safety for active travel, reducing emissions and attracts use of public spaces, including economic uses, discouraging crime and encourages social interaction.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Use of green infrastructure to reduce urban heating and related health effects. Placemaking schemes which involve noise impacts should be mitigated on a location-specific basis, to ensure that no single area is disproportionately affected.
Policy B6: Rights of Way
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Significant beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | No effect |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | No effect |
The policy aims to develop a safe network, which allows better navigation, is accessible and protects the countryside. In addition to improving physical health through exercise, there are opportunities to improve safety, social interaction and mental health. This also encourages modal shift with minor improvement of air quality.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Potential to include both safety and accessibility measures (e.g. segregation from vehicles, dropped kerbs, accessible gates or textured paving) on Public Rights of Way.
Theme C: make public transport accessible for all
Bringing as many people as possible within reasonable distance of a high quality, frequent and reliable public transport provision. We propose a suite of urban, inter-urban and rural bus service enhancements, as well as rail enhancements.
Policy C1: Safety
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Significant beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | No effect |
Noise | No effect |
Support for improved road user behaviour and safety in transport planning. This reduces chance of injury and is more likely to encourage active travel modes.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Policy C2: Accessibility
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Uncertain effect |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
The policy supports accessibility improvements and access to key services such as education, health and social care. It also aims to reduce transport poverty by making transport more affordable.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Policy C3: Bus and coach
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | No effect |
Communities are better connected within and to urban areas, improving access to services, well-being and reducing isolation, benefiting mental health. There is potential for improved air quality, reduced congestion and related stress. Onward travel is more likely to be by active travel.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Policy C4: Rail
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | No effect |
Communities are better connected with a focus on growth, tourism along the south coast and connectivity to London. Public transport use can improve well-being through social interaction and encourage onward active travel. There are potential improvements to congestion, related stress and air quality.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Policy C5: Integrating transport
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | No effect |
The policy has potential to improve affordability and ease of use through smart ticketing and better transport interchanges. This improves connectivity, access to services and employment and potential for interchange with active travel.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Incorporate cycle parking and storage at transport interchanges.
Consider personal security as part of design at interchanges.
Policy C6: Taxi and private hire Demand Responsive Travel
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Uncertain effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Slight beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
Provision outside normal working hours supports access to a wider range of job opportunities and better connectivity. The policy supports better safety and security.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Theme D: Keeping East Sussex connected
Supporting people and businesses in getting where they need to go, quickly and reliably. Specifically, longer distance highway, railway and bus schemes are of importance as well as freight.
Policy D1: Strategic connectivity
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Uncertain effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Significant beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Slight negative |
The policy supports improvements on regional and national corridors, linking settlements with areas of growth. Improvements to rail corridors are likely to result in modal shift from private car, and related air quality improvements, highways improvements may also ease congestion and improve air quality, although noise is likely to increase from road and rail sources. There are mixed effects on health.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Assessment of air and noise effects and incorporation of mitigation measures for major transport schemes. These air and noise impacts should be mitigated on a location-specific basis, to ensure that no single area is disproportionately affected.
Policy D2: Freight and international gateways
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | No effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
Movement of freight is likely to have benefits to communities in reducing movement of freight by road. There are also likely to be economic benefits from better movements of goods. Other health benefits are likely to be limited.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.
Policy D3: The needs of business and the visitor economy
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Significant beneficial |
Safety | No effect |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Slight beneficial |
Noise | Slight negative |
Improving connectivity can provide better access to trade, travel and support tourism, with better economic health. Improvements to rail corridors are likely to result in modal shift from private car, and related air quality improvements, highways improvements may also ease congestion and improve air quality, although noise is likely to increase from road and rail sources. There are mixed effects on health.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Assessment of air and noise effects and incorporation of mitigation measures for major transport schemes. These air and noise impacts should be mitigated on a location-specific basis, to ensure that no single area is disproportionately affected.
Policy D4: Supporting sustainable development and development control
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Slight beneficial |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant beneficial |
Economic health | Slight beneficial |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Uncertain effect |
Congestion and stress | Slight beneficial |
Air quality | Slight beneficial and slight negative |
Noise | No effect |
The effects of the policy on health will depend on the nature of transport infrastructure to be delivered alongside new development. Integration of active travel and public transport, in addition to reducing car use through e.g. car-free areas, minimal parking can encourage active travel, exercise and greater social interaction within communities. There would be positive effects through better connecting
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Integration of active travel, and improvements to public realm should include elements of better lighting and surveillance to improve public perception and reduce fear of personal safety.
Policy D5: Parking
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | Uncertain effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Significant negative and significant beneficial |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | Slight beneficial |
Congestion and stress | Slight negative |
Air quality | Significant beneficial and significant beneficial |
Noise | Slight negative and slight beneficial |
The effects of the policy will depend on the nature of parking provision. Reduced parking will help manage demand and support modal shift with potential benefits for air quality and noise. However, better parking provision, including safe and secure parking, may also encourage use of vehicles with increased emissions to air and noise. Parking provision is essential for some people with reduced mobility so increases accessibility.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
Retain or provide additional Blue Badge parking spaces and parent & child parking, considering this on a site specific basis.
Policy D6: Highways maintenance and asset management
Health impact | Health effect |
Lifestyle | No effect |
Access, accessibility and community severance | Uncertain effect |
Economic health | Uncertain effect |
Safety | Slight beneficial |
Crime | No effect |
Congestion and stress | Uncertain effect |
Air quality | Uncertain effect |
Noise | Uncertain effect |
Potential health benefits relate to possible improved safety, no further effects are identified.
Mitigation measures / recommendations
None identified.