Overview & timeline for the application process

  • Start by learning about the key responsibilities and statutory conditions. This includes reading the East Sussex Fire Regulation Service guidelines and understanding that the Fire Authority will carry out a fire inspection of the premises. See Statutory and local requirements.
  • You will also need to confirm that no planning permission is necessary for the venue to hold marriage or civil partnership ceremonies on the premises. See Planning permission.
  • You will need to have the necessary documents ready and the relevant contact details. For a complete list, see Before you apply.
  • Complete and submit the application form.

After you submit your application:

  • The licensing process can take 8 to 10 weeks. We will contact you within that time.
  • You will provide us with text and images for the website listing.
  • We will contact you to arrange a BACS payment of the fee.
  • Couples cannot give legal notice for a marriage or civil partnership to take place at your venue until the licence has been approved by East Sussex Registration.
  • We will publish a public notice of your application for for 21 days. It is open to objections during this period.
  • The area Team Leader will visit the venue to complete a Risk Assessment on behalf of East Sussex County Counci.
  • The Superintendent Registrar and Proper Officer for East Sussex County Council will visit to conduct the Final Inspection.
  • Once the venue licence has been granted, the venue will be approved for 3 years.
  • You will display the licence in a prominent position in the venue.
  • You can now start advertising your business.
  • You will direct couples to book their Registrars by going to our website, Ceremonies in East Sussex.

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