Before you apply

Make sure you are familiar with all the statutory and local requirements for licensing your venue.

You will need to confirm that no planning permission is necessary for the venue to hold marriage or civil partnership ceremonies on the premises.

You will not be able to submit your application without having the following.


When you apply you will need digital copies (PDFs, scans or photos) of:

  • a plan of the premises (1:100 scale) clearly showing the proposed ceremony room(s), any linked outdoor area(s) you wish to license, and also the pre-ceremony interview room
  • public liability insurance
  • most recent fire risk assessment

Contact details

You will also need to provide the contact details of:

  • the applicant (the licence holder)
  • the owner
  • the Responsible Person (statutory role)
  • the Deputies to the Responsible Person
  • the person responsible for Health & Safety at the venue

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