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  4. How to make the most of the Registration Academy

How to make the most of the Registration Academy

  • If possible, please provide your delegates with the chance to observe live appointments before their training. We have found this helps to develop their understanding of the processes they will need to adopt once they are registering themselves.
  • If you have any local practices that you wish your delegates to be trained in, then please can you provide us with full details at least two weeks in advance so we can adapt our training modules accordingly.
  • We regret that due to the intensive nature of the training we offer we are only able to accommodate up to four delegates at a time. We firmly believe that maintaining low classroom numbers better enables our trainers to focus on each delegate’s individual needs.
  • If we are providing training at your offices the training room must be equipped with a PC or laptop for each delegate, alongside access to a printer. We would also respectfully request that the room is not used by other staff or customers for the duration of the training as this tends to distract delegates from their intensive training.
  • Our training modules involve the use of PowerPoint presentations, and so if you have a screen available for our use this would be perfect, alternatively a blank wall space will suffice if a screen is not available.
  • Our training days normally run from 9.30am – 4.30pm approximately with a half hour for lunch. The trainer should arrive at your offices no later than 9am to set up for the day.
  • Please can we ask that all delegates have been granted access to RON’s test site, the GMC website (for death registrations) and the GRO Registrar’s Handbook before they begin their training with us.
  • We have found our training modules work best if delegates are allowed to use their newly learned skills on live appointments during the final day of their training with us, under the watchful eye of our trainer. If these appointments could be made and earmarked for the delegates this would help us to ensure they are competent in a ‘real world’ scenario.
  • We would strongly recommend that delegates are afforded slightly longer appointment slots during their first few days of registering alone following the training as this is the period when they are consolidating the knowledge they have just received and due to inexperience, we have found they feel less pressured and more able to cope if they are not subject to the normal tight time constraints.
  • If training is required for more than one registration discipline, we would recommend a short gap between each training module to allow delegates to practice their newly learned skills and consolidate this knowledge before moving on to the next registration discipline.

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