Annual Parking Report 2023/24

Bus Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs)

In 2023 as part of our work with the Bus Service Improvement Plan, a new post of a bus service Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) started. Every day a bus CEO now travels on buses in Lewes and Rother districts and Eastbourne and Hastings boroughs.

NSL, Brighton and Hove buses, Compass, and Stagecoach, worked together to identify routes affected by vehicles parked in contravention. The bus CEO then travelled on the bus to see what the problems were and how best to help resolve them, either asking the driver to move on or to issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

It soon became clear that there were other factors which were impeding the buses. Where possible the CEO would report these issues to the relevant departments. Examples include overgrown hedges and the need for new restrictions in some places. In some areas we have also changed how we enforce the on street restrictions.

In Eastbourne and Hastings boroughs and Lewes and Rother districts, the feedback has been very positive. Both passengers and drivers have expressed their satisfaction. Some have commented on the buses being on time with a bus driver saying they “feel they have a magician on board”.

During the year bus CEOs have spent 1,444 hours on bus routes, issuing 246 PCNs and have moved 173 vehicles on.

Pay and display machines

There has been a decline in use of our pay and display machines making some of them no longer economical to run. To address this, we carried out a project to identify machines with low levels of use. We reviewed the income by payment method and transaction number at each machine. Over 12 months we were able to see which machines had the lowest levels of use. We found only around 40% of transactions were being made at a machine, with cash payments making up around only 25%.

We knew that removing machines would affect some users but needed to balance this against the financial burden of maintaining the existing number of machines. We did an equality impact assessment before considering any changes, as part of this we wanted to:

  • limit any adverse impact on users
  • ensure the full range of payment methods would still be available
  • make sure every parking space still had a pay and display machine within a reasonable distance

After identifying which machines had the lowest transaction numbers, we visited all the machines. This was to assess if it was suitable for removal, or if another machine would be more appropriate. This involved several checks including: 

  • the distance and route to walk to another machine
  • the time taken to walk to and from the alternative machine
  • the mobile phone signal
  • identifying any changes needed to the signs

We identified 153 out of our 340 pay and display machines for removal, all with another machine nearby that motorists could still use to make cash or card payments. Below is a summary of the machines by CPE area.

Pay and display machines by CPE area
Area Number of machines Being removed Remaining
Eastbourne  141 71 70
Hastings 65 34 31
Lewes 82 29 53
Rother 52 19 33

Visiting the machines for this project had another benefit. It meant we were able to note areas where the parking restrictions are not achieving the aim of making efficient use of the kerb space. Thus, some of the machines identified through the project will not be removed as part of this. The locations will be considered in the next parking review to see if the restrictions need any changes.

The machines identified for removal were covered in February 2024. After three months we will consider any feedback about them. In June 2024, any adjustments will be made before permanently removing the machines.


All areas


Combined income for all areas
Income for all areas 2023/24 £ 2022/23 £
On street charge 3,724,533 3,764,629
Off street charge  79,999 68,681
Permit income  982,274 963,848
Penalty Charge Notices  1,559,441 1,599,323
Bus lane Penalty Charge Notices  145,622 114,739
Payments from other Local Authorities  266,892 290,567
Other income  7,039 5,452
Total  6,765,800 6,807,239


Combined expenditure for all areas
Expenditure for all areas 2023/24 £ 2022/23 £
Enforcement contract 2,639,638 2,343,492

Operational surplus

Combined operational surplus
Operational surplus for all areas 2023/24 £ 2022/23 £
Operational Surplus 348,458 588,034

Schemes funded by the surplus

Schemes funded by the surplus
All schemes funded by the surplus 2023/24 £ 2022/23 £
Parking Review 353,170 191,042
Approved by parking board 25,600 25,600
County Hall 0 13,183
Real Time Bus Information 170,991 156,084
Total Payment and investments 549,761 385,909

Net surplus or (deficit)

Combined net surplus or (deficit)
Net surplus or deficit for all areas 2023/24 £ 2022/23 £
Net surplus or (deficit) (201,303) 202,125

Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

47,850 PCNs were issued to vehicles for parking contraventions over the last year and 3,835 were issued to vehicles for driving in a bus lane. 

PCNs issued by month for parking contraventions

PCNs issued by month for parking contraventions
Month Eastbourne

Hastings Lewes On Street County Hall Lewes District car parks Rother
April 1,272 1,343 515 30 158 606
May 1,357 1,173 535 38 173 658
June 1,419 976 466 74 149 611
July 1,454 1,141 511 54 179 654
August 1,727 1,277 409 51 122 749
September 1,143 1,302 464 52 168 865
October 1,403 1,337 548 37 173 669
November 1,513 1,144 414 75 133 606
December 1,244 1,073 580 44 89 656
January 1,299 1,238 572 57 132 800
February 1,412 1,303 368 53 98 713
March 1,425 1,241 558 68 59 841
Total 16,668 14,548 5,940 633 1,633 8,428

PCNs issued by month for bus lane contraventions

PCNs issued by month for bus lane contraventions
Bus lane PCNs by month 2023/24
Gildredge Road
Terminus Road
Apr-23 404 293 111
May-23 358 247 111
Jun-23 307 189 118
Jul-23 358 269 89
Aug-23 259 137 122
Sep-23 202 104 98
Oct-23 378 287 91
Nov-23 328 246 82
Dec-23 364 292 72
Jan-24 308 245 63
Feb-24 295 253 42
Mar-24 274 216 58
Total 3,835 2,778 1,057

PCNs issued by contravention code

PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code Eastbourne Hastings Lewes Rother Total
Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours 1 3,344 4,891 2,375 1,812 12,422
Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force 2 1,397 812 228 103 2,540
Parked after the expiry of paid-for time 5 826 450 117 300 1,693
No valid ticket 6 1 0  0 0 1
Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time 7 1 0  0 1
Parked without payment of the parking charge 11 619 1,963 215 1,878 4,675
Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket or permit 12 4,279 2,235 791 288 7,593
Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit 16 1,426 3 670 1,723 3,822
Displaying an invalid permit 19 819 69 262 10 1,160
Parked in a suspended bay/space or part of bay/space 21 106 56 59 15 236
Re-parked in the same parking place within the no return period 22  0 0 1  0 1
Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle 23 590 430 17 252 1,289
Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space 24 18 22 21 5 66
Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading 25 719 665 275 285 1,944
Parked 50cm or more from the kerb 26 36 22 7 5 70
Dropped footway (new contravention) 27 258 124 28 108 518
Parked on a raised verge 28  0 3  0  0 3
Parked longer than permitted 30 791 811 421 901 2,924
Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge 40 635 723 181 473 2,012
Parked in a Police space 42 9 6  0 0 15
Parked on a taxi rank 45 221 98 83 22 424
Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand 47 365 345 47 193 950
Parked on a clearway 46 0 0 0 5 5
Parked on a school keep clear 48 112 108 16 16 252
Commercial vehicle in overnight waiting ban 55 2 0  0  0 2
Parked in contravention of commercial waiting 56 6 0  0 6
Parked on contravention of a bus ban 57 6 0  0  0
Parked on a footway / verge 62 30 623 119  0 772
Parked without payment of the parking charge (car park) 73 0 0 1,483 1,483
Overstayed paid-for time (car park) 80 0 0 34 34
Parked in a restricted area (car park) 81 0 0 32 32
Expired pay and display ticket (car park) 82 0 0 184  0 184
No pay and display ticket (car park) 83 0 0 1  0 1
Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time (car park) 84 0 0   0
No permit (car park) 85 0 0 327  0 327
Out-of-bay (car park) 86 0 0 117  0 117
Parked in a disabled bay without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge (car park) 87 0 0 32 32
Area not designated for class of vehicle (car park) 91 0 0 56  0 56
Parked on a pedestrian crossing 99 52 89 7 34 182
Total   52 14,548 8,206 8,428 47,844

Bus lane PCNs issued by contravention code

Bus lane PCNs issued by contravention code
Contravention Code Eastbourne 2023/24
Being in a bus lane 34 3,835
Parking PCNs paid
Summary of PCN outcomes Eastbourne Hastings Lewes (On Street) Lewes (Off Street) Rother Total
Paid 9,908 9,915 5,075 2,009 6,965 33,872
At Discounted Rate (£25) 1,451 1,809 747 1,390 2,035 7,432
At Discounted Rate (£35) 6,492 5,795 3,422 307 3,515 19,531
At Full Rate (£50) 278 457 148 195 374 1,452
At Full Rate (£70) 1,163 1,287 533 43 644 3,670
After Charge Certificate (£75) 37 57 15 27 49 185
After Charge Certificate (£105) 159 150 75 7 89 480
After debt registration (£84) 65 69 18 33 109 294
After debt registration (£114) 263 291 117 7 150 828
Bus lane PCNs paid
Bus lane PCNs paid Gildredge Road Terminus Road Total
Paid 2,370 760 3,130
At Discounted Rate (£25) 0 0 0
At Discounted Rate (£35) 2,065 686 2,751
At Full Rate (£50) 0 0 0
At Full Rate (£70) 111 31 142
After Charge Certificate (£75) 0 0 0
After Charge Certificate (£105) 98 27 125
After Registration (£84) 0 0 0
After Registration (£114) 96 16 112

Parking PCNs challenged and appealed

Out of the 47,850 PCNs issued for parking contraventions we received 11,264 challenges and appeals against them.

  • 33,872 were paid
  • 2,507 were cancelled
  • 291 were written off
  • 11,180 are still open
  • 33 were appealed to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT)

Outcome of appeals to TPT

Outcome of appeal to TPT
Appealed to Independent Adjudicator (TPT) 8 11 7 1 6 33
Dismissed (PCN upheld) 6 10 6 1 5 28
Not contested (PCN cancelled) 1 0 1 0 0 2
Allowed (PCN cancelled) 1 1 0 0 1 3

PCNs cancelled by reason

PCNs cancelled by reason
PCNs cancelled by reason Eastbourne Hastings Lewes on street Lewes off street Rother Total
Adjudicators decision   1   0   0   0 0   1
Blue badge holder 112 72 43 2 79 308
Cashless or Virtual parking - error accepted 219 58 63 37 73 450
CEO error 96 99 64 29 55 343
Mitigating reasons 200 164 107 67 123 661
Emergency; gas, water or electric  15 19 10 0 3 47
Loading or unloading 28 37 23 0 19 107
Medical emergency  6 1 1 0 2 10
Meter fault 11 0 0 4 4 19
Missing, obscured lines or signs 7 10 2 4 3 26
Multiple PCNs, one contravention 24 48 8 4 8 92
Police vehicle 1 6 2 2 0 11
Processing or system error ESCC 7 14 3 1 1 26
Processing or system error NSL 7 7 13 10 5 42
Unforeseen delay 0 0 1 1 0 2
Valid pay and display ticket supplied 92 23 11 32 29 187
Valid permit held 33 9 9 9 10 70
Vehicle breakdown 29 40 19 2 15 105
Total 888 607 379 204 429 2507

Bus lane PCNs challenged and appealed

Out of the 3,835 PCNs issued for entering a bus lane, we received 733 challenges and appeals against them.

  • 3,130 were paid
  • 138 were cancelled
  • 0 were written off
  • 567 are still open
  • 13 were appealed to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT)

Results of appeals to TPT

Results of appeals to TPT
Bus lane challenge and appeal outcomes Gildredge Road Terminus Road Total
Appealed to Independent Adjudicator (TPT) 8 5 13
Dismissed (PCN upheld) 7 4 11
Not contested (PCN cancelled) 1 0 1
Allowed (PCN cancelled) 0 1 1

PCNs cancelled by reason

PCNs cancelled by reason
Bus lane PCNs cancelled by reason Total
Adjudicators decision 1
Appeal not contested 0
Blue badge holder 0
Cashless or Virtual parking - error accepted 3
CEO error 0
Mitigating reasons 102
Emergency; gas, water or electric  2
Loading or unloading 4
Medical emergency 0
Meter fault 0
Missing, obscured lines or signs 1
Multiple PCNs, one contravention 0
Police vehicle 1
Processing or system error ESCC 23
Processing or system error NSL 0
Unforeseen delay 0
Valid pay and display ticket supplied 0
Valid permit held 0
Vehicle breakdown 1
Total 138


All our permit schemes have permits for residents, businesses, traders and carers. There are other types of permit available but these differ in each area. You can read more about the different types of permits available on our website. 

The following tables show the numbers and types of permits issued.

Resident permits

Eastbourne permits

Until this year there were eight permit zones in Eastbourne, this has now reduced to seven. In the last review one of the smallest zones, zone J, was removed. Only two permits were sold for the zone J in 2022-23 and the after consultation with the residents it was evident there was no longer a need for the permit restrictions.

In total 2,755 resident permits were issued across all of the zones. The breakdown of permits issued by zone can be seen in the chart below.

bar chart showing 2023/24 resident permits in Eastbourne by zone

Hastings permits

In total 3,245 resident permits were issued across all of the zones. The breakdown of permits issued by zone can be seen in the chart below.

Bar chart showing 2023/24 residents permits in Hastings by zone

Lewes permits

In total 2,206 resident permits were issued across all of the zones. The breakdown of permits issued by zone can be seen in the chart below.

Bar chart showing 2023/24 residents permits in Lewes by zone

Rother permits

In total 3,296 resident permits were issued across all of the zones. The breakdown of permits issued by zone can be seen in the chart below.

Bar chart showing 2023/24 residents permits in Rother by zone

All other types of permits and dispensations

Permit type Permits issued
Resident Visitor 45,480
Trade 9,060
Hotel 69,420
Healthcare workers and carers 15,490
Business 240
Doctor 14
Volunteer 62
Permit type Permits issued
Resident Visitor 17,168
Business user scratch cards 1,538
Business 8
Doctor 1
Primary Care Worker 190
Permit type Permits issued
Resident Visitor 34,300
Trade 2,793
Hotel 150
Healthcare workers and carers 4,555
County Hall West (CH) 160
County Hall East (CP) 281
Business 13
Permit type Permits issued
Resident Visitor 47,290
Trade 2,533
Hotel 2,250
Healthcare workers and carers 9,230
Business 53
Doctor 1
Dispensations and all CPE area permits
CPE area dispensation covers Dispensations issued
All CPE areas 100
Eastbourne 18
Hastings 19
Lewes on street 14
Lewes off street 43
Rother 17
Eastbourne and Hastings 2
Eastbourne and Lewes 50
Hastings and Rother 5
All CPE areas emergency care worker permit 216