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  3. Parking reviews in Eastbourne and Hastings boroughs and Lewes and Rother districts
  4. How to request parking restrictions in Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes and Rother

How to request parking restrictions in Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes and Rother

Lewes parking review consultation

We are asking for your views on changes to parking restrictions in Lewes district.

Find out more and have your say about the Lewes District informal consultation. This will close on 28 February 2025. 

We are responsible for installing new parking controls and changes to existing ones, on the roads in the boroughs of Eastbourne and Hastings and in Lewes and Rother districts.

If you think you need new parking restrictions in the area where you live or work, or changes to ones that are already there, please fill in our request form.

Parking reviews

A parking review is carried out in each of our civil parking areas every 16 to 18 months. In each review we consider requests for new controls and requests for changes to existing controls.

The review process includes two rounds of consultation and normally takes 16 to 18 months to complete.

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