Permanent exclusion from school

1. Permanent exclusion

Only the Headteacher, Principal, or Acting Head of a school can suspend or permanently exclude a pupil on disciplinary grounds. If your child has been excluded, you can download our detailed guidance. 

A permanent exclusion is when a pupil is no longer allowed to attend a school (unless the pupil is reinstated).

The decision to exclude a pupil permanently should only be taken:

• in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school's behaviour policy; and 
• where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others such as staff or pupils in the school.

How does the exclusion process work?

Your child’s school will let you know about a permanent exclusion as soon as possible. They will follow up with something in writing, telling you the reason for your child’s permanent exclusion. If your child has a social worker, they will also be told about your child’s permanent exclusion.

A permanent exclusion can start immediately (on the same school day as the behaviour occurred) or on another school day.

If you disagree with your child’s permanent exclusion, you have the right to challenge the decision, and how you do this must be set out in the letter your child’s school sends to you about the permanent exclusion.

Your child's future education

During the first five days of your child’s exclusion, the school must provide work and mark it. The local authority will then contact you and arrange alternative education for your child from the 6th day. This type of education is called alternative provision and includes education provided at pupil referral units.

Advice and support