Managing Allegations Process
This page is for professionals. If you are a member of the public or a parent, visit Report a concern about a child or a teenager.
When an allegation or concern has been raised about an individual who works or volunteers with children, please refer to the Managing Allegations Guidance [378.7 KB] [pdf] and follow the pathways below:
- See these pathways as a flowchart: Managing allegations flowchart [100.5 KB] [pdf]
- Or read on for a full description in words:
Pathway 1: A clear disclosure of harm such as physical or sexual abuse:
- Contact the Single Point of Advice (SPOA). If it is out of hours, contact the Emergency Duty Service on 01273 335906 or 01273 335905
- SPOA triages concern and assigns level. If SPOA triages as level 3 or 4, they will pass it to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
For level 1 and 2 see Organisations that help families - MASH Practice Manager triages referral with Police
- they decide whether thresholds are met to hold a Strategy Meeting (with review meetings agreed if needed)
- or close to Children’s Social Care and refer to LADO to take forward - Strategy Meeting (with a review meetings agreed if needed)
- refer for a Children’s Social Care assessment, or
- Police investigation, or
- no further action (NFA) for Children’s Social Care,
- LADO to take forward for oversight of employer’s internal investigation - A Children’s Social Care assessment could result in:
- transfer to long-term Children’s Social Care team
- or NFA to Children’s Social Care - A Police investigation could result in:
- prosecution, or
- LADO to be kept updated on Police investigation outcome - If Police investigation closes with NFA, LADO will advise the Employer on next steps, which may lead to an internal investigation to be conducted with HR advice on risk management plan pending outcome of investigation:
- disciplinary Process
- LADO to be kept updated on employer’s investigation outcome - A disciplinary meeting could result in:
- dismissal or resignation (consider threshold for DBS referral)
- training, guidance, or
- LADO should be updated on the outcome of the disciplinary process
Pathway 2: A general concern, e.g. conduct or behaviour:
- Make a LADO referral
- LADO to advise on next steps, including whether to initiate an internal investigation:
- if new concerns are identified, consider a referral to SPOA
- conduct an internal investigation with HR advice on risk management plan pending outcome of investigation
- disciplinary process
- LADO to be kept updated on employer’s investigation outcome - An internal investigation could result in a disciplinary process (consult pathway 1, point 8 for process).