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  4. Contacting the Single Point of Advice (SPoA)

Contacting the Single Point of Advice (SPoA)

This page is for professionals. If you're a member of the public, visit:
Report a concern about a child or a teenager

Before you contact the SPoA

Discuss your concerns about a young person with your safeguarding lead. Assess the level of need by reading and using the Continuum of Need

Do not contact SPoA

  • when families already have a social worker. Contact the social worker directly. (The exception is if you are making a CAMHS referral.) If you are unsure who their worker is, you can get this from SingleView.
  • about Level 1 and 2 needs. Contact the family hubs family advice line  or see Organisations that help families

Call SPoA on 01323 464222

  • if the child does not have a social worker and you have immediate safeguarding concerns. Or if the child is at risk of harm, or has sustained an injury.
  • if the practitioner has Level 3 or 4 concerns (targeted and child protection services.)
  • when a practitioner and safeguarding lead manager have assessed a child as being at immediate risk of significant harm. Phone SPoA straight away and say your concern is about immediate risk.
  • when the safeguarding lead is not available.
  • when practitioners have a concern about a child with emotional, wellbeing or mental health issues. (SPoA is now the contact point for referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS))

What SPoA will ask you

  • have you checked SingleView? Are any Council services already supporting the child?
  • have you spoken to any of these services?
  • who else you have spoken to?
  • details of child and family
  • a summary of your concerns
  • have you referred to the Continuum of Need?
  • do you need to report a child protection concern? (Forms below.)

Reporting a child protection concern using a form

You can report a child protection on the Children's Portal to report your concerns to SPOA.

If a child is at risk of immediate harm, or has sustained an injury, please call SPOA directly on 01323 464 222 before completing your referral.

Contacting the SPoA

Telephone: 01323 464 222
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Email: Single Point of Advice team
(Do not use GCSx email – it is no longer in use.)

Out of hours:

Telephone: 01273 335 906 or 01273 335 905

Contact our Emergency Duty Service (EDS) with serious concerns that cannot wait until the next working day.

EDS operates Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8.30am and
Fridays, weekends and bank holidays, 4.30pm to 8.30am.

SingleView access

SingleView gives partners an overview of Children’s Services involvements, case status and relationships.

For SingleView information and applications see SingleView.