Freebies and resources
The free resources below are available to any looked after child living in care from East Sussex.
Please email the East Sussex Children in Care Council if you would like something posted to you.
- CICC newsletters
- Playing cards – These explain some of your rights as a looked after child in East Sussex
- Free online Level 2 Food Hygiene certificate for ages any young person with care experience aged 14+. This is an accredited course that lasts for 3 years.
- Free Citizencard for any young person with care experience aged 16+. This is a recognised and legal form of ID and usually costs £25. This can be applied for at:
Check out this website especially for children in care. It has been developed by the Children’s Commissioners office in London and has some really great stories and life hacks. The CICC were involved in the designing of this right from the start.
- Website: IMO Hub
This is a short film made by members of a previous CICC to address the myths of being a Child in Care. We hope it will help to raise awareness to those not in care as well as those working with them and explain what being in care means to them.