The Children in Care Council (CICC)
The East Sussex Children in Care Council started in 2008. It is a group of young people aged between 13 and 19 in care and living in East Sussex. They meet regularly to have their say on issues that matter to looked after children.
They serve as CICC members for 3 years.
What exactly does the CICC do?
Their role is to try to improve the lives of children in care by letting those in charge know what life in care is really like.
To do this, they:
meet with senior managers and adults working with looked after children. They can put forward their views and the views of others in care to make positive changes to the care system.
meet with Council leaders and heads of Children’s Services from East Sussex County Council. They can put forward their views, and are often part of interview panels for new staff recruitment.
attend events and meetings in London. This is so they have an understanding of what is going on in the rest of the country in the care system. They can also understand what the Government are doing that involves looked after children’s lives.
meet up with other children all over the country to discuss ideas and issues.
Some projects the CICC have been involved in recently are:
producing a newsletter with news and articles about their work
providing free CitizenCards for 16 to 18-year-olds
providing free food hygiene courses to enhance CVs
delivering sexuality and gender training to staff
holding sessions to talk to more looked after children
providing rucksacks full of new items for children coming into care for the first time
interviewing newly qualified social workers for jobs in East Sussex
learning more about how to be safe online and becoming digital ambassadors
reviewing the language that is often used in the care system.
facilitating lectures at Brighton University for Social Work students