Fostering a child with additional needs

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A child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may have a variety of needs. This could be a learning difficulty, physical disabilities, or medical conditions. We need foster care for children with SEND for short breaks and longer-term care.

Skills you need

You need to be patient, a good communicator, and comfortable advocating for a child. If you are, then you already have the qualities that you need for this rewarding role.

Previous experience of caring for or working for children with additional needs is useful. It is not essential though as training is always available. Adaptations to make your home more accessible or special equipment can be provided.

Support we offer

You are never on your own. You will have your own fostering social worker and the child has their own social worker too. You’ll also have access to advice from a helpline 24/7. Many carers get support from other foster carers through informal groups and networks. There is support every step of the way.

It’s not to think of them as having special needs. It’s just to think of them as a child.

How to become a foster carer

If you are open to caring for a child with additional needs, please speak to us. You don’t have to choose between fostering a child with or without additional needs. You can still choose to be a short-term or long-term foster carer or a short breaks carer.

Karen's story

Watch Karen’s story to find out what it’s like to foster a child with special educational needs and disabilities.

- Being a foster carer for a child with additional needs

Watch on YouTube: "Being a foster carer for a child with additional needs"