Health and Social Care Task Group minutes: 26 January 2023

Meeting details

Date: Thursday 26 January 2023

Time: 9.30am to 11am

Location: Microsoft Teams

See the list of attendees and apologies for this meeting.

Actions arising from this meeting

Actions to be taken forward
Number Description Responsible/Lead 
1 Arrange dates to have sessions on UC, to address issues and look at various scenarios for workers DWP/SBe
2 Share Curriculum Design Group principles DWa
3 Consider creative ways to offer insight into health and care roles at your business ALL 
4 Contact KSt or Skills East Sussex for more information on chairing the group ALL

1 Welcome (new members)

KSt welcomed everyone present. This included guest, AP from Surrey who was attending with a view to set up a similar group for that county. JBo was attending on behalf of NCV. VS, on behalf of KH.

2 Review of Previous Minutes & Actions

Actions points from meeting of 24th November 2022 were gone through as December meeting was primarily survey discussion.

The websites are on today’s agenda.

SBu will arrange during February to video some of the content from the presenting your sector online workshop he gave. He is working internally with Careers Hub to deliver this as it will also be useful for Industry Champions and Enterprise Advisors who also promote their respective sectors.

CMO said that DWP are working with East Sussex County Council (ESCC) on ‘bank’ ‘casual’ staff to support those people wishing to increase hours/income with other work. CMO recognised that there is a need for an employer session on Universal Credit myth-busting. MDe stated that he has staff who are concerned about breaking limits on earnings effecting their benefits. He knew of at least one staff member who found that their Christmas bonus ended up cutting their UC to £0 unexpectedly. They had to claim money back later and it was not a straightforward process. He continued that the main limitation to his staff working extra hours is typically childcare. They can only increase hours when a relative is available which can make planning hard. Workers do not earn enough to make paid-for childcare worthwhile.

SBe acknowledged that individual circumstances effect UC differently which is why it can be hard to explain. For example, UC impacts for a single person will be different from a single parent or a person with an earning partner and children. The tapering does mean there are certain reductions for every £1 earned above thresholds. SBe is happy to provide anonymous scenarios to help demonstrate how the system works to employers and staff.

ACTION 1: Arrange dates to have sessions to address issues and look at various scenarios – SBe/DWP

3 Website overviews

SBu gave an introduction to the local industries pages of Careers East Sussex (CES). He advised that this covers a range of key sectors in East Sussex. Each landing page has a sector overview video with information on sector size, average wages and job advertisements. The pages will link to ‘live’ vacancies following future planned development. Each sector has a banner design that links to physical posters used in East Sussex schools and elsewhere to promote careers. The job roles section on each sector link to key skills, work routeways, typical tasks, frequently asked questions and useful links. The videos created will be further edited into snippets for social media as development continues.

This version ‘1.0’ differs from version ‘2.0’ which will follow. There will be fewer “click throughs” to get to content and navigation will be simpler. The health and social care section is to have a variety of job role videos and settings videos. Based on discussions with East Sussex Healthcare Trust (ESHT) these will demonstrate settings such as GP surgery, day centre and residential homes. This will help those who may find a sideways move preferable to leaving the profession, as well as those looking at the range of careers available.

CES is an ESCC microsite. School and college students making pre and post 16 choices use it as do Careers Leaders and teachers. A “unique selling point” of the site is that users do not need to have a prior interest in care or health to come across the content. Anyone looking for careers information will be exposed to the option of considering roles in Health and Social Care. CES are working with the NHS on the health and social care section. That Steering Group will sign off content. As a website, it is not restricted to viewing and use by East Sussex only. There will be reference to East Sussex due to funding and local knowledge.

SBe advised that the DWP District Provision Tool has now been shared publicly. People may find this useful if wanting information for Surrey, Kent and elsewhere.

DWa introduced the group to One Workforce Sussex also known as SPECS (Sussex Platform for Education, Careers and Skills).  The site is funded by Health Education England (HEE) and Primary Workforce Education. This site is health and care focused. The site seeks to provide opportunities for career progression and development for non-medical staff.

DWa asked people to look themselves, as his login (an administrator account) view would give a false impression of what people can see. General information is publicly accessible. To access course materials, people need to register; they do not need an NHS address to register.

In response to NM’s question, DWa advised they are not currently signposting to universities. A colleague has joined his team who will work on website administration and ongoing content development.

SBu advised that on CES, colleges can add information themselves via their administration logins. Universities and training providers should get in touch if they want to add. Open Days for example for colleges in Kent are included on the website. 

NM emphasised the importance of functional skills so people are ready to apply for nursing associate programmes.

KSt asked about quality assurance on SPECS. DWa replied that e-learning is embedded in the system with scenarios, quizzes and videos. DWa continued that the Workforce Education Team have a Curriculum Design Group to check and approve quality. DWa would speak to the lead.

ACTION 2: KSt asked that the Curriculum Design Group principles be shared – DWa

PL noted that there may be protocols in place regarding what non-clinical staff are prepared/allowed to do or not do. KM was keen that qualifications are mapped against levels. This makes admission to further or higher education providers simpler to assess.

[KB left around 10:00 during this item]

4 Integrated Care System

KSt spoke in the absence of JH. She advised that the ICS strategy had been released. It is ambitious for the whole workforce. Well-being and sickness absence are priorities. A new retention lead for Sussex has been appointed. A widening participation role is due, this will seek to expand the talent pool.

[Due to various other commitments, DWa, EL, NM and RK left around 10:30]

The staff workforce bureau wishes to achieve economies of scale around international recruitment. There is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop ‘multi-professional faculties’. There is recognition that insufficient social care staff has an impact on health care as patients remain in hospital due to inability to safely discharge to a package of care. Digital passports are to reward and recognise skillsets from various settings.

JH is working on a violence prevention strategy. This includes positive behaviour support training to manage challenging and abusive behaviours. Managing behaviours for those who lack capacity is also required.  There is also discriminatory behaviour towards staff which often ends up an HR (Human Resources) matter.

The People Committee meets the day after this meeting, 27 January. Timescales for implementation of strategy to be advised.

5 Careers Hub update

JC gave a brief introduction explaining that the East Sussex Careers Hub works with all state secondary schools and colleges in the county. It was noted that Coast to Capital cover Brighton & Hove and West Sussex. They are funded through the Careers & Enterprise Company to support schools and businesses make links with one another.  Schemes supporting this work are:

  • Industry Champions” - individuals from industry promoting their sector within school settings.
  • Enterprise Adviser” - individuals from industry supporting schools to develop their careers policy
  • Open Doors programme - supporting groups of school children to visit employers’ work settings.

JC acknowledged that in health and care settings, Open Doors and work experience can have issues to overcome regarding age/health and safety/privacy and consent of patients and clients.

An Open Doors pilot for post-16 is happening at Eastbourne District General Hospital (EDGH). Local students will be selected from an application. Teachers and careers leads will be supporting those who are interested in health or care to apply.

JC discussed T Levels. Sixth Forms currently do not tend to offer T Levels, but the colleges do. Health and Healthcare Science are available as T Levels as is Education and Childcare. JC asked if thought can be given as to how to support and nurture the talent and workforce of the future through workplace connections.

ACTION 3: Consider creative on how to offer insight into health and care roles at your business and contact the Careers Hub about them – ALL

6 Any Other Business

JW said that a new Health Education England post has been created to support the development of Nursing Associates. It is challenging to enable to staff to be released to attend the “day release” element of the programme. Creative ways to support this apprenticeship are being discussed with employers.

VPo reminded those in East Sussex of the Transform programme’s levy funding which is there to support SMEs have staff on apprenticeships.

JBo advised that he is happy to give some feedback or talk further on nursing associates. In Bognor, a home used the model of a nursing supervisor and nursing associate which allowed supervision and filling of a role while absent for study.

AW gave an update on adult health and social care (ASCH) specific Multiply provision in East Sussex. Surveys have shown that liquid and weight measures are the most likely to cause confusion – and lead to medication errors. As advised in previous meetings, Multiply courses are fully funded so free to attend.

There is £120 funding available to employers whose staff participate. This can be used to backfill release to attend, or could be given to staff as an incentive if they attended in their own time. Multiply provision runs until March 2025. Multiply’s ASCH specific Liquid and Weight measurements numeracy is a 6-hour/one day course.

KSt welcomed this training and that reduction of medication errors feeds into the preventative agenda. It can also be linked to raising digital skills. AW said that resources bought during the project lifetime are likely to be made available for other training/organisation’s use.

KSt announced that she will be stepping down as group chair after March. She is happy to talk to anyone about her role. SBu took the opportunity to thank KSt for the exceptional work and guidance she has provided for the task group.

People are also welcome to contact SBu or DM regarding the vacant Chair position.

ACTION 4: Contact KSt or Skills East Sussex for more information regarding the vacant Chair position– ALL as applies 

Date of next meeting

Usual last Thursday of the month, 23rd February 2023 at 9.30am-11am on MS Teams.

Attendees and apologies


KSt, Karen Stevens, CHAIR – Skills for Care, Locality Manager London and South East (East Sussex, West Sussex, Brighton & Hove)

DBA, Debbie Baldock-Apps, East Sussex College Group (ESCG), Business Development

KB, Katherine Ball, Rewards Training, Business and Management Consultant

SBe, Steve Benwell, DWP Sussex and Surrey, Senior Partnership Manager

JBo, John Borthwick, West Sussex Adult Social Care, Care and Business Support

JC, Jennie Cole, East Sussex Careers Hub, Enterprise Co-ordinator

MDa, Marianne Davis, Locality Manager London and South East (Surrey)

MDe, Mike Derrick, East Sussex Registered Care Association Chair

HG, Heather Green, DWP, Team Leader Hastings

SK, Simone Keates, Sussex Learning Network, Chichester University

RK, Ruth Keynes, Consultant to the Sussex Care Associations

PL, Penny Lawlor, Kent County Council, Social Care Workforce Manager

EL, Emily Liebeg, ESCC, ASCH Project Manager Workforce Planning

CMO, Claire Morgan-Owen, DWP District Office

KMa, Kathy Martyn, Brighton University, Apprenticeship, tech education and flexible learning lead School of Sport and Health Sciences

RM, Rose Miller, Primary Care NHS Sussex, Apprenticeship Lead,

NM, Nita Muir, Chichester University, Head of School of Nursing and Allied Health

TM, Teresa Moon, ESCC, Adult Social Care & Health Qualifications Lead

RP, Rosemary Pavioni, West Sussex Registered Care Association Chair

VPo, Vanessa Potter, Sussex Council of Training Providers (SCTP), Executive Director

HR, Helen Rignall, Health Education England (HEE)

JS, Juliet Smith, West Sussex Partners in Care, CPD Project Manager

KStr, Katie Stripe., Sussex Housing & Care, HR Officer

VS, Vanessa Swaine, ICS Adults, Learning & Development lead for Sussex

GT, Geraldine Turton, Brighton University, Apprenticeship Manager

DWa, Duane Wadey, NHS Sussex, Lead for Widening Participation & Clinical Skills Project Lead

IW, Ian Whittle, Reed RESTART, South Coast Partnership Manager,

JW, Justine Willoughby, Brighton University, Nursing Associate Programme Lead


  • DM, Donnalyn Morris, Skills East Sussex, Project Officer Employability and Skills
  • SBu, Stephen Burkes, Skills East Sussex, Project Manager Employability and Skills


AP, Ali Porteus, Surrey Care

AW, Angela Wooller, ESCC, Apprenticeships and Qualifications Manager


HA, Holly Aquilina, ESCC, Employability and Skills Strategy Manager

HC, Henry Clayson, East Sussex Careers Hub, Project Assistant

KC, Kori Cox, ASCH ESCC, Steps to Success Employer lead

NCV, Natasha Craig-Vickers, West Sussex, Care Workforce Adviser Adult Services and Health

MD, Maggie Devine, Heathercroft Training, Health and Social Care Programme Manager

PF, Paul Feven, Consultant to WSCC

DH, Donna Harfield, ESCG, Vice Principal Business Development

CH, Colleen Hart, NHS Sussex, System Head of Workforce and OD (East Sussex)

KH, Karen Hartley, NHS Sussex, Head of Workforce Education

JH, Jason Hathaway, NHS Sussex, Interim ICS Workforce Programmes Lead

LMi, Lisa Mitchell, Brighton & Hove City Council, Skills and Partnership Manager

AP, Andrew Pritchard, Bexhill College, Assistant Principal

GR, Gill Ramsay, ESCG, Business Development