Team East Sussex (TES)


Team East Sussex (TES) is the strategic advisory economic growth board for the county of East Sussex.

TES’s primary aim is to drive forward economic growth and prosperity in the county. In pursuit of this aim, TES has the following key functions:

  • Strategic direction;
  • Project consideration and prioritisation;
  • Lobbying and promotion;
  • Engagement and business voice.

TES is an independent, business-led, private/public body, with representation from business members and business representative bodies (including the FSB and Chambers of Commerce), the voluntary and community sector, NHS, further education, higher education and the local authority leaders of all of the county, borough and district councils across East Sussex. TES is supported by County Council officers in a secretariat capacity.

TES provides the voice of business in steering our county’s economic growth agenda as part of regional decision making, and has worked with the County Council and other local stakeholders to oversee the creation of a new economic strategy for the area, the East Sussex Economic Prosperity Strategy.

TES has also established a series of sectoral boards to help drive forward activity, including boards for Business, Culture, Housing and Commercial Development, Environment, and Skills. Similar to TES, these active groups are partnerships of the private and public sector, plus social enterprise, education providers and more, ensuring all of the key stakeholders for each sector are represented, with a strong business voice. Sectoral board activity is regularly reported to TES for information and endorsement, and each board is supported by County Council officers.

Moving forward, TES will continue to review its membership to ensure it maintains as broad a representation as possible across business sectors and the local geography, and will consider creating new sectoral boards as necessary for areas of particular interest or need.