Team East Sussex

Team East Sussex (TES)

Team East Sussex (TES) is the strategic advisory economic growth board for the county of East Sussex.

TES’s primary aim is to drive forward economic growth and prosperity in the county. In pursuit of this aim, TES has the following key functions:

  • Strategic direction;
  • Project consideration and prioritisation;
  • Lobbying and promotion;
  • Engagement and business voice.

TES is an independent, business-led, private/public body, with representation from business members and business representative bodies (including the FSB and Chambers of Commerce), the voluntary and community sector, further education, higher education and the local authority leaders of all of the county, borough and district councils across East Sussex. TES is supported by County Council officers in a secretariat capacity.

TES provides the voice of business in steering our county’s economic growth agenda as part of regional decision making, and has worked with the County Council and other local stakeholders to oversee the creation of a new economic strategy for the area – the East Sussex Economic Prosperity Strategy.

TES has also established a series of sectoral boards to help it drive forward activity, including Business, Culture, Housing and Commercial Development, Environment, and Skills. Similar to TES, these active groups are partnerships of private and public sector, plus social enterprise, education providers and more, ensuring all of the key stakeholders for each sector are represented, with a strong business voice. Sectoral board activity is regularly reported to TES for information and endorsement, and each board is supported by County Council officers.

Moving forward, TES will continue to review its membership to ensure it maintains as broad a representation as possible across business sectors and the local geography, and will consider creating new sectoral boards as necessary for areas of particular interest or need.

TES Board membership

The membership of Team East Sussex (TES) comprises business, local authority, social enterprise and education representatives from across the county.

The TES Board is currently made up of the following 17 members.

Business Members

  • Alison Turner (TES Deputy Chair)
  • Ana Christie
  • Christina Ewbank
  • Clive Soper
  • David Sheppard (TES Chair)
  • Martin Ellis
  • Paul Hetherington
  • Penny Shimmin
  • Stewart Drew

Local Authority Members

  • Cllr Christine Bayliss (Rother DC)
  • Cllr Julia Hilton (Hastings BC)
  • Cllr Keith Glazier (East Sussex CC)
  • Cllr Paul Coleshill (Wealden DC)
  • Cllr Stephen Holt (Eastbourne BC)
  • Cllr Zoe Nicholson (Lewes DC)

Further and Higher Education Members

  • Donna Harfield (East Sussex College)
  • Sue Baxter (University of Sussex)

TES meetings and papers

Team East Sussex meets quarterly for TES Board meetings. The 2024/25 meeting schedule is as follows:

Click on the above dates / links to view further meeting information and any papers. Agendas and non-confidential papers are published at least five working days ahead of each TES Board meeting, and minutes are published within ten working days of each meeting.

The forward plan of items currently expected to be discussed by Team East Sussex through the remainder of 2024/25 can be viewed here:

TES forward plan 2024/25 [120.5 KB] [pdf]

A six-monthly update report on transport infrastructure and major projects is also available to view, as background / context to the regular updates provided at TES meetings:

TES transport infrastructure and major projects report, summer 2024 [303.3 KB] [pdf]

Minutes and papers for all TES meetings prior to April 2024 are available to view on the South East LEP website. Minutes are also available on request from the County Council's Economic Development department.

Other TES documents

The most recent version of the TES Terms of Reference was published in May 2023. TES Board members are also required to complete a Register of Interests document.

TES Terms of Reference

TES Registers of Interests

TES sectoral boards

While TES provides the overall strategic direction for economic growth, it is supported by a series of sector-specific boards, who themselves are networks of public/private bodies, organisations and individuals.

Business East Sussex (BES)

A collaborative forum of business leaders, education and public sector organisations, coming together to support local businesses and help address local challenges, aiming to make East Sussex the best place in the country to do business – open to any business wishing to attend.

More on Business East Sussex

Culture East Sussex (CES)

A network of cultural organisations, public bodies and individuals providing a collective, collaborative voice for culture across the county, to create opportunities for positive change for all of East Sussex.

More on Culture East Sussex

Developers East Sussex (DES)

A forum of construction, planning, housing and commercial developers taking an active role in the delivery of quality sustainable development in East Sussex.

More on Developers East Sussex

Environment East Sussex (EES)

The county’s strategic body for the environment and climate change, aiming to drive an improvement in environmental quality across East Sussex.

Skills East Sussex (SES)

The county’s strategic body for employment and skills, aiming to drive workforce development and increase skills levels across a range of sectors.

More on Skills East Sussex

TES contact information

The County Council's Economic Development team act as secretariat to Team East Sussex.

Email: Economic Development