Freedom of Information Policy Statement

Policy Statement

East Sussex County Council will comply with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and in particular will:

  • make as much information as practicable available via the Publication
  • respond to requests for information as quickly as possible, and within
    the statutory timescales;
  • where, exceptionally, we believe it is not going to be possible to
    respond fully within the statutory timescale (for example where we
    have to consider the public interest test), we will;
    • advise you why, and give an estimated date by which the information will be provided, and
    • provide as much of the information as possible within the earlier timescale
  • apply exemptions appropriately and consistently; and
  • ensure that any fees charged are calculated appropriately and


To enable our staff to do comply with the policy and with FOI, ESCC will:

  • provide adequate and appropriate training and guidance to all staff;
  • monitor application of guidance; and
  • revise guidance and training as appropriate

Retention and Review

This policy will be reviewed in no more than three years.

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