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  3. Animal health and welfare
  4. Reporting notifiable animal diseases

Reporting notifiable animal diseases

Many animal diseases are highly contagious and must be reported as soon as an outbreak is suspected. These are known as notifiable diseases.

List of diseases

Notifiable diseases include:

  • Bluetongue
  • Bird flu (Avian influenza)
  • Anthrax
  • Rabies

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) website has a full list of notifiable diseases.

How to report diseases

If you suspect signs of any of these notifiable diseases, or have a case confirmed, you must report this immediately to a:

In the event of a notifiable disease outbreak Trading Standards work closely with the Emergency Planning Teams and the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). For more information on emergency planning in East Sussex see  Emergency planning | East Sussex County Council

Monitoring animal movements and feed

To prevent the spread of disease, all livestock movements and animal feed must be monitored.

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