GP Payment and Audit System Searches (GPPASS)
The GPPASS (GP Payment and System Searches) service centrally collects activity and audit data from GP practices delivering Public Health commissioned services such as NHS Health Checks, Long-Acting Reversible Contraception and Smoking Cessation. We currently work across East Sussex and Brighton & Hove.
The data collected is in the form of anonymised aggregated reports and we have no access to any patient identifiable data.
Data is collected to pay practices for services delivered, provide practices dashboards about services they deliver and to help inform commissioners about who is accessing our services and their outcomes.
Clinical templates
GP practices are required to use the templates provided via GPPASS for Public Health commissioned practices.
These templates are shared directly with SystmOne practices through the GPPASS group, for EMIS practices until Resource Publisher is fully rolled out any changes to templates will be shared with practices via email. If you have any queries about templates or want to check that you are using the correct templates, please get in touch with us at
The GPPASS Searches are all shared directly with practices via the clinical systems and can be found in their respective reporting sections, please get in touch with should you need any assistance locating them or have any questions about the searches themselves.
Service documents
The below documents are linked to from within service templates allowing staff to access them easily during consultations.
Word version of consent for SDCI template [69.0 KB] [DOC]
Word version of consent for SDCI template (Word)
Word version of consent for IUD/S template [56.0 KB] [DOC]
Word version of consent for IUD/S template (Word)
Swap To Stop Letter [28.1 KB] [DOCX]
Stop to swap client letter
User guides or protocols
GPPASS – Data Protection Impact Assessment [1.4 MB] [DOC]
GPPASS – Data Protection Impact Assessment (Word)
This log shows the main Public Health email communications sent out to practices about the GPPASS process and clinical system searches and templates:
Email communications log [57.0 KB] [doc]